On 25 Mar 2016, at 08:49, Wouter Verhelst <w...@uter.be> wrote:

> Yes. This has been discussed on the nbd-general list in the past. There
> is also the (significant) problem of the server having maybe already
> sent out the header before discovering there is an error, at which point
> it can *only* drop the connection.


I think where we got to last time this was discussed was that the
server could have the option of returning 'chunks' of reply, each
chunk either being a {length, data} tuple, or an error. The total
data transmitted would add up to the full length if there is no

>> I could write up a negotiation of global flags for structured reply
>> lengths as an extension proposal, if you think it is worth it.
> I think it is worth it...

+1 - for NBD_CMD_READ too

Alex Bligh

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