On 3 March 2016 at 16:40, Programmingkid <programmingk...@gmail.com> wrote: > On Mar 3, 2016, at 10:37 AM, Peter Maydell wrote: >> What mail server are you trying to talk to > > GMail > >> , and what is your >> git send-email configuration > [sendemail] > smtpEncryption = STARTTLS > smtpServer = smtp.gmail.com > smtpUser = programmingk...@gmail.com > smtpServerPort = 25
I just tested with my gmail account, and you want: smtpencryption=tls smtpserver=smtp.gmail.com smtpuser=programmingk...@gmail.com smtpserverport = 587 smtppass = yourpassword (or give the password on the command line) If you are using 2-factor-authentication with gmail then you will need to create an "application-specific password" in the GMail Account Settings and use that (click 'Sign-in & security' then 'App passwords', click 'other' to enter a custom name (like "git send-email") and press the 'generate' button to generate a password; note that the generated password doesn't have any spaces in it, despite the way they format it on screen). I also recommend the following settings in your [sendemail] section: chainreplyto=false assume8bitEncoding=UTF-8 (though these are only for formatting of the email and won't affect whether it sends or not). > git send-email <file path> Yep. (You may need to use the --to option if you didn't specify it to git format-patch.) Also send-email has a --dry-run switch for checking it's going out with a sensible email address, destination, etc. If you're using git from homebrew on a Mac you may need to follow the first part of this web page to install the necessary TLS support in homebrew's Perl: http://rconradharris.com/2014/09/30/git-send-email-using-gmail-on-a-mac.html thanks -- PMM