Hi, I made some measurements guest vs bare metal (using virtio-data-plane) and got some results I cannot fully explain.
First some details about the setup: - I have an ARM v8 hardware + 1 SSD connected to SATA. I have run FIO using multiple block sizes and IO depths: for i in 1 2 4 8 16 32 do for j in 4 8 16 32 64 128 256 512 do echo "Test ${i}_${j}" fio -filename=/dev/sda1 -direct=1 -iodepth $i -rw=write -ioengine=libaio -bs=${j}k -size=8G -numjobs=4 -group_reporting -name=mytest_write_${i}_${j} > /dev/out_write_${i}_${j} done done I run the same script for both baremetal and guest. QEMU (QEMU 2.4 and kernel 4.1) command line is the following: qemu-system-aarch64 -enable-kvm -nographic -machine type=virt -cpu host -kernel /boot/Image -append "root=/dev/ram rw console=ttyAMA0,115200 ramdisk_size=1000000" -serial tcp::4444,server,telnet -initrd /boot/rootfs.ext2.gz -m 1024 -mem-path /var/lib/hugetlbfs/pagesize-1GB -object iothread,id=iothread0 -drive if=none,id=drive0,cache=none,format=raw,file=/dev/sda,aio=native -device virtio-blk-pci,drive=drive0,scsi=off,iothread=iothread0 I have pinned the I/O thread to physical CPU 0 and the VCPU thread to physical CPU 1. When comparing bare metal vs guest I have noticed that in some situations I get better results in guest. The table contains the results for sequential read (lines: io depth and columns: block sizes, the numbers are guest vs bare metal degradation percentage). For random read and write the results do not show large variations, but for sequential read and write I see important variations. 4k 8K 16K 32K 64K 128K 256K 512K 1 50.28 37.19 36.08 -0.4 4.09 5.18 3.22 1.71 2 46.22 22.63 24.41 -0.45 1.72 2.17 2.37 -4.64 4 -10.82 15.60 11.64 5.21 0.09 2.86 -3.52 6.71 8 -18.05 5.96 8.82 0.26 0.95 4.30 -13.53 17.9 16 12.78 11.76 6.29 3.42 7.00 18.14 -0.4 5.59 32 16.99 7.98 4.70 7.67 -9.78 3.66 9.48 -3.55 The negative numbers may come from the benchmark variation, probably I would have to run the benchmark multiple times to see the variation even in host. However if somebody have an explanation of why I might get better results in guest vs bare metal or at least in what direction to investigate. Thank you, Diana