On Thu 17 Dec 2015 01:50:08 AM CET, John Snow <js...@redhat.com> wrote:
> In working through a prototype to enable multiple block jobs. A few
> problem spots in our API compatibility become apparent.
> In a nutshell, old Blockjobs rely on the "device" to identify the job,
> which implies:
> 1) A job is always attached to a device / the root node of a device
> 2) There can only be one job per device
> 3) A job can only affect one device at a time
> 4) Once created, a job will always be associated with that device.
> All four of these are wrong and something we need to change, so
> principally the "device" addressing scheme for Jobs needs to go and we
> need a new ID addressing scheme instead.
Out of curiosity, do you have specific examples of block jobs that are
affected by these problems?

For the intermediate block-stream functionality I was having problems
because of 1), so I extended the 'device' parameter to identify
arbitrary node names as well.

Just to make things clear: your proposal looks good to me, I'm only
wondering whether you're simply looking for a cleaner API or you have a
use case that you cannot fulfill because of the way block jobs work



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