Hello, qemu-img convert -f qcow2 Trove---mysql-5.6---2015-07-16.qcow2 -O raw rbd:openstack-00/8205d01a-874c-44c0-b114-1c03821fcc24:conf=/etc/ceph/ceph.conf
How can i specify the object size that rbd uses? I found that the qemu-image can only use the default object size. It is defined in block/rbd.c #define OBJ_MAX_SIZE <https://lxr.missinglinkelectronics.com/qemu+v2.1.0/+code=OBJ_MAX_SIZE> (1UL << OBJ_DEFAULT_OBJ_ORDER <https://lxr.missinglinkelectronics.com/qemu+v2.1.0/+code=OBJ_DEFAULT_OBJ_ORDER> ) If someone know how to specify the object size, please tell me. thanks a lot. By the way i do not find the define for OBJ_DEFAULT_OBJ_ORDER <https://lxr.missinglinkelectronics.com/qemu+v2.1.0/+code=OBJ_DEFAULT_OBJ_ORDER>, if someone knows , please tell me. Thanks a lot. -- 谦谦君子