On Tue, Aug 04, 2015 at 10:27:31AM +0200, Laurent Vivier wrote:
> We use muldiv64() to compute the time to wait:
>     timeout = muldiv64(get_ticks_per_sec(), timeout, 33000000);
> but get_ticks_per_sec() is 10^9 (30 bit value) and timeout
> is a 35 bit value.
> Whereas muldiv64 is:
>     uint64_t muldiv64(uint64_t a, uint32_t b, uint32_t c)
> So we loose 3 bits of timeout.
> Swapping get_ticks_per_sec() and timeout fixes it.
> We can also replace it by a multiplication by 30 ns,
> but this changes PCI clock frequency from 33MHz to 33.333333MHz
> and we need to do this on all the QEMU PCI devices (later...)
> Signed-off-by: Laurent Vivier <lviv...@redhat.com>

Hah.  32-bit second argument.  Totally missed that when I put the
muldiv64() in there.  So I didn't eliminate the overflow, just pushed
it out some bits.

Thanks for finding this.

Reviewed-by: David Gibson <da...@gibson.dropbear.id.au>

David Gibson                    | I'll have my music baroque, and my code
david AT gibson.dropbear.id.au  | minimalist, thank you.  NOT _the_ _other_
                                | _way_ _around_!

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