Hello All: I am just adding floating point instructions (e.g. fsingle_add1), but for me, I can not find any details about them (the ISA documents only give a summary description, but not details), e.g.
fsingle_add1 Floating Point Single Precision Add Part 1 Syntax fsingle_add1 Dest, SrcA, SrcB Example fsingle_add1 r5, r6, r7 Description Performs the first part of a floating point single precision add. This instruction also sets the floating point comparison flags in the destination register (see Table 7-2 on page 135). Functional Description rf[Dest] = fsingle_addsub1 (rf[SrcA], rf[SrcB], false); (there is no additional information for fsingle_addsub1, and Table 7-2 will set 'Dest', is 'Dest' only for the comparison flags?). At present, for me, the only way for finding the related details are gcc source. But I am just testing gcc (when testing gcc, I found I have to implement floating point instructions), so it is not a quite well way. Welcome any additional information, ideas or suggestions. (By the way, I have implemented 'iret' instruction, for me, we can just skip it for linux user. Also welcome any additional ideas, suggestions, and completions for it). Thanks. -- Chen Gang Open, share, and attitude like air, water, and life which God blessed