On Sat, Jul 11, 2015 at 3:23 PM, Paolo Bonzini <pbonz...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 11/07/2015 22:46, Peter Crosthwaite wrote:
>> include/exec/ram_addr.h:                if (tcg_enabled()) {
>> include/exec/ram_addr.h:        uint8_t clients = tcg_enabled() ?
>> memory.c:    mr->dirty_log_mask = tcg_enabled() ? (1 << DIRTY_MEMORY_CODE) : 
>> 0;
>> memory.c:    mr->dirty_log_mask = tcg_enabled() ? (1 << DIRTY_MEMORY_CODE) : 
>> 0;
>> memory.c:    mr->dirty_log_mask = tcg_enabled() ? (1 << DIRTY_MEMORY_CODE) : 
>> 0;
>> memory.c:    mr->dirty_log_mask = tcg_enabled() ? (1 << DIRTY_MEMORY_CODE) : 
>> 0;
>> So what is the correct logic for populating dirty_log_mask and friends
>> when there are 0. 1, or more TCG engines?
> I think it should be set if there's at least one TCG engine.

Thanks. So translate-common.c will implement a global
tcg_any_enabled() for these cases, while others will use a
virtualised/local tcg_enabled().

> Have you checked BTW it the DIRTY_MEMORY_CODE stuff works with multiple
> tcg_ctxs _and_ the same page hosts code for more than one CPU type?
> Offhand I have no idea of the answer...

No, I haven't progressed that far. I have a basic test for shared data
area but not shared code.


> Paolo

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