Please find below a set of patches, which allow to simulate Microchip PIC32
microcontrollers on QEMU. For examples of real PIC32 applications running
on QEMU, see page:

(1) Make the CPU clock frequency configurable per platform.
    Currently the clock rate for all MIPS platforms is fixed at 100MHz.
    Need to make it 40MHz for pic32mx7.

(2) For TLBWR instruction, the generated random index value has been not
    quite random and did not take into account the Wired register value. Fixed.

(3) Added support for external interrupt controller mode (EIC).
    Required for pic32.

(4) Added two processor variants: M4K and microAptivUP.
    Needed for pic32mx and pic32mz simulation.

(5) Added two machine platforms: Microchip pic32mx7 and pic32mz
    microcontrollers. Several board types supported for each platform:

    pic32mx7-explorer16  PIC32MX7 microcontroller on Microchip Explorer-16 board
    pic32mx7-max32       PIC32MX7 microcontroller on chipKIT Max32 board
    pic32mx7-maximite    PIC32MX7 microcontroller on Geoff's Maximite computer
    pic32mz-explorer16   PIC32MZ microcontroller on Microchip Explorer-16 board
    pic32mz-meb2         PIC32MZ microcontroller on Microchip MEB-II board
    pic32mz-wifire       PIC32MZ microcontroller on chipKIT WiFire board

Serge Vakulenko (5):
  Speed of MIPS CPU timer made configurable per platform.
  Fixed random index generation for TLBWR instruction. It was not quite
    random and did not skip Wired entries.
  Added support for external interrupt controller (EIC) mode.
  Two new processor variants: M4K and microAptivP.
  Two new machine platforms: pic32mz7 and pic32mz.

 hw/mips/Makefile.objs        |    3 +
 hw/mips/cputimer.c           |   48 +-
 hw/mips/mips_fulong2e.c      |    2 +-
 hw/mips/mips_int.c           |   12 +-
 hw/mips/mips_jazz.c          |    2 +-
 hw/mips/mips_malta.c         |    4 +-
 hw/mips/mips_mipssim.c       |    2 +-
 hw/mips/mips_pic32mx7.c      | 1652 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/mips/mips_pic32mz.c       | 2840 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 hw/mips/mips_r4k.c           |    2 +-
 hw/mips/pic32_ethernet.c     |  557 +++++++++
 hw/mips/pic32_gpio.c         |   39 +
 hw/mips/pic32_load_hex.c     |  238 ++++
 hw/mips/pic32_peripherals.h  |  210 ++++
 hw/mips/pic32_sdcard.c       |  428 +++++++
 hw/mips/pic32_spi.c          |  121 ++
 hw/mips/pic32_uart.c         |  228 ++++
 hw/mips/pic32mx.h            | 1290 +++++++++++++++++++
 hw/mips/pic32mz.h            | 2093 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 include/hw/mips/cpudevs.h    |    2 +-
 target-mips/cpu.h            |   12 +-
 target-mips/helper.c         |   20 +-
 target-mips/translate_init.c |   46 +
 23 files changed, 9814 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/mips_pic32mx7.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/mips_pic32mz.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32_ethernet.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32_gpio.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32_load_hex.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32_peripherals.h
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32_sdcard.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32_spi.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32_uart.c
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32mx.h
 create mode 100644 hw/mips/pic32mz.h


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