On 19/05/15 13:55, Andreas Färber wrote:

> Am 19.05.2015 um 12:42 schrieb Stefan Hajnoczi:
>> On Fri, May 08, 2015 at 12:32:59PM +0100, Mark Cave-Ayland wrote:
>>> I noticed last week that the openbios.git mirror on git.qemu.org hadn't
>>> been updated after a commit I made to SVN trunk, and after some
>>> investigation work by Stefan it seems that the upstream remote is given
>>> as a git:// URL pointing directly to a repository at a 64.62.x.x IP address.
>>> This is different from the official upstream SVN repository of
>>> svn://openbios.org/openbios/ which means we're pointing at an additional
>>> mirror somewhere.
>>> Can anyone recall how/when the openbios.git mirror was setup on
>>> git.qemu.org, whether it is still maintained, and if it would be
>>> preferable to switch to the official upstream?
>> Ping.  Should we stick with an old mirror of OpenBIOS for QEMU 2.4 or
>> switch to the official upstream repo?
> I don't quite understand the question. OpenBIOS is still using SVN
> AFAIK. QEMU is using Git, so I thought we always need a Git mirror for
> submodules? Has the git-svn integration been extended to svn submodules
> and which versions of git support that?

I'm not sure why submodules make anything different, but for an SVN
repository I can't see why the nightly cron job on git.qemu.org can't
just run "git svn fetch && git svn rebase" directly against OpenBIOS SVN
to update its master branch?

> Unless I'm missing something, the only question is which mirror do we
> use, not whether we use a mirror.

The problem at the moment is that the repository on git.qemu.org is
pointing to a git repository on a plain IP address (with no sensible
reverse DNS) and so far no-one has admitted ownership. This was a
problem last week when the repository stopped syncing with OpenBIOS SVN
trunk and both Stefan and myself had no idea who to contact in order to
get it fixed.



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