On 19/05/2015 18:30, Markus Armbruster wrote:
> Restrictions on driver and property names in the shorthand syntax
> driver.property=value before the patch:
> * Both are at most 63 characters long, no whitespace
> * Driver name cannot contain '.'
> * Property name cannot contain '='
> After the patch, we additionally have:
> * Driver name cannot contain '='.
> Okay as long as no such driver name exists.  Have you checked?

Good catch!  I now have.

I've grepped for

- \\..*\".*=.*\",

- TYPE_.*\".*=.*\"

with no hits.

> Please spell out the new restriction in the commit message.

Will do.

>> @@ -186,6 +188,9 @@ qemu-system-i386 -global 
>> ide-drive.physical_block_size=4096 -drive file=file,if=
>>  In particular, you can use this to set driver properties for devices which 
>> are 
>>  created automatically by the machine model. To create a device which is not 
>>  created automatically and set properties on it, use -@option{device}.
>> +
>> +The two syntaxes are equivalent.  The longer one works for drivers whose 
>> name
>> +contains a dot.
>>  DEF("boot", HAS_ARG, QEMU_OPTION_boot,
> I'd explain this as follows:
>     -global @var{driver}.@var{prop}=@var{value} is shorthand for -global
>     driver=@var{driver},property=@var{prop},value=@var{value}.  The
>     longhand syntax works even when @var{driver} contains a dot.

Will do.


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