On 1/26/15 06:10, Peter Maydell wrote:
> On 25 January 2015 at 21:59, Chen Gang S <gang.c...@sunrus.com.cn> wrote:
>> On 1/25/15 20:49, Peter Maydell wrote:
>>> Are you claiming that you've reviewed *all* the code in this
>>> file for mismatched lock/unlock calls? If so, it would be nice
>>> to say so explicitly in the commit message. If not, it would be
>>> nice if the commit message was clearer about what areas of the
>>> code it applied to. The code changes are correct, though.
>> At present, I finished all lock_user_struct() and unlock_user_struct()
>> in "linux-user/syscall.c". For me, after this patch, they are all OK.
>> But for all lock/unlock in "linux-user/syscall.c", for me, I am doubting
>> several areas, but I did not send patch for them:
>>  - I need check them carefully again to be sure they are really issue:
>>    Read the related code again and again, if I really treat it as an
>>    issue, I shall make related patch (and pass compiling, at least).
>>  - I have no enough time resources on it:
> That's fine. I'm definitely not asking you to do this work.

OK, thanks. :-)

> I would just like the commit message to be clear about the
> scope of the work the patch covers. If the patch is just "Fix
> mismatched lock/unlock calls in IPC struct conversion functions"
> then that's fine, but the commit message should say that. At the
> moment the commit message is very vague.

OK, thanks.

I am not quite familiar with this file, so I describe the modification
by function name, e.g. lock_user_struct() and unlick_user_struct() in
the patch subject.

Welcome to help improve the patch comments. If necessary to send patch
v2, please let me know, I shall try.

Chen Gang

Open, share, and attitude like air, water, and life which God blessed

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