On Jan 16, 2015, at 3:22 AM, Markus Armbruster wrote:

> Programmingkid <programmingk...@gmail.com> writes:
>> This patch allows Mac OS X to use a real CDROM disc in QEMU. Testing this 
>> patch will require using QEMU v2.2.0 because the current git version has a 
>> bug in it that prevents /dev/cdrom from being used. "make check" did pass 
>> and my Debian boot disc did work. 
>> Signed-off-by: John Arbuckle <programmingk...@gmail.com>
> Subject line is too long, and the body lacks line breaks.  Suggest
> something like:
>    block/raw-posix.c: Fix raw_getlength() on Mac OS X for CD

Unfortunately I can't change the subject line after posting the first version 
of the patch. Others have to know the history of this patch. I will try to 
include the file name in the future. 

>    This patch allows Mac OS X to use a real CDROM disc in QEMU.
>    Testing this patch will require using QEMU v2.2.0 because the
>    current git version has a bug in it that prevents /dev/cdrom from
>    being used.  "make check" did pass and my Debian boot disc did work.

Ok. I just don't know when to break it. I guess I will stick to pinky length. 

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