Anthony Liguori <> writes:

> On 02/05/2010 06:12 AM, Luiz Capitulino wrote:
>> On Thu, 04 Feb 2010 16:31:46 -0600
>> Anthony Liguori<>  wrote:
>>> On 02/04/2010 02:13 PM, Luiz Capitulino wrote:
>>>> Add an assert() to qobject_from_jsonf() to assure that the returned
>>>> QObject is not NULL. Currently this is duplicated in the callers.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Luiz Capitulino<>
>>>> ---
>>>>    qjson.c |    1 +
>>>>    1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
>>>> diff --git a/qjson.c b/qjson.c
>>>> index 9ad8a91..0922c06 100644
>>>> --- a/qjson.c
>>>> +++ b/qjson.c
>>>> @@ -62,6 +62,7 @@ QObject *qobject_from_jsonf(const char *string, ...)
>>>>        obj = qobject_from_jsonv(string,&ap);
>>>>        va_end(ap);
>>>> +    assert(obj != NULL);
>>> This is wrong.  We may get JSON from an untrusted source.  Callers need
>>> to deal with failure appropriately.
>>   What kind of untrusted source? This function is only used by handlers
>> and assuming that the only possible error here is bad syntax, not having
>> this check in the source will only duplicate it in the users.
> I don't know yet, but there's nothing about this function that
> indicates that it cannot handle malformed JSON.  I don't think it's a
> reasonable expectation either.
> There are absolutely ways to mitigate this.  You can use GCC macros to
> enforce at compile time that the string argument is always a literal
> and never a user supplied string.

A string literal always comes from the programmer, not the user, but the
converse is not true.  Therefore, I don't see why we should make the
function unusable with non-literal arguments.  But if you really want
-Wformat-nonliteral, you know where to find it :)

> Run time asserts are a terrible way to deal with reasonably expected errors.

Yes.  But what's reasonably expected entirely depends on the contract
between the function and its callers.

I think we need a function that cannot fail and shouldn't used with
untrusted arguments (for what it's worth, that's how we use
qobject_from_jsonf() now).  Having related functions with different
contracts is fine with me.

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