On 05/23/2014 12:10 AM, Fam Zheng wrote:
> On Thu, 05/22 23:30, Max Reitz wrote:
>> Add a default common.env in case the one supposed to be emitted by
>> configure cannot be found.
>> Signed-off-by: Max Reitz <mre...@redhat.com>
> Now we can run both from in-tree build and out-of-tree build without this,
> which is already very good, but we need this patch to run from the source tree
> with an out-of-tree build. I'm not sure we really need that, though.

If you have a source tree but no in-tree build, then there is no way to
know how many out-of-tree builds there are, or which one you should
pick.  If you are going to do out-of-tree builds, you aren't going to
try to run tests from the source tree.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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