Il 15/05/2014 03:32, Kevin O'Connor ha scritto:
On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 08:20:59PM -0400, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
On Wed, May 14, 2014 at 10:05:47AM +0200, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
CPL isn't even altered when CS is reloaded, because you cannot jump out
of ring-0 except with an inter-privilege IRET, and that reloads SS too.

An IRET or task switch is also the only way to set EFLAGS.VM, and it will
hardcode SS.DPL=3, again matching CPL=3.

Finally, to get out of real mode you need to have CPL=0, and whatever got
you at CPL has also loaded SS with a ring-0 stack.  This means that SS.DPL=0
right after clearing CR0.PE.

Using SS.DPL as the CPL really sounds like the right approach.  I
tried it on my KVM testcase, and it works well.  For QEMU, even the
special case of SYSRET will be handled fine because QEMU does set
SS.DPL = 3:

        cpu_x86_load_seg_cache(env, R_SS, selector + 8,
                               0, 0xffffffff,
                               DESC_G_MASK | DESC_B_MASK | DESC_P_MASK |
                               DESC_S_MASK | (3 << DESC_DPL_SHIFT) |
                               DESC_W_MASK | DESC_A_MASK);

SS.DPL=CPL=3, SS.RPL=selector & 3 is a mix of Intel behavior (which is
SS.DPL=SS.RPL=CPL=3) and AMD behavior (because they set CPL=3 but
SS.DPL=SS.RPL=selector & 3).  We may want to match Intel behavior,
but that's a different change.

Can you check if this patch works for you, and if so reply with

Your patch causes Freedos to crash when emm386 is loaded, so I think
it broke VM86 mode.  Below are some logs I took from qemu at the point
of the crash.

FYI, with the patch below my quick test cases all look okay.

--- a/target-i386/cpu.h
+++ b/target-i386/cpu.h
@@ -974,7 +974,6 @@ static inline void cpu_x86_load_seg_cache(CPUX86State *env,
     /* update the hidden flags */
         if (seg_reg == R_CS) {
-            int cpl = selector & 3;
 #ifdef TARGET_X86_64
             if ((env->hflags & HF_LMA_MASK) && (flags & DESC_L_MASK)) {
                 /* long mode */
@@ -984,16 +983,17 @@ static inline void cpu_x86_load_seg_cache(CPUX86State 
                 /* legacy / compatibility case */
-                if (!(env->cr[0] & CR0_PE_MASK)) {
-                    cpl = 0;
-                } else if (env->eflags & VM_MASK) {
-                    cpl = 3;
-                }
                 new_hflags = (env->segs[R_CS].flags & DESC_B_MASK)
                     >> (DESC_B_SHIFT - HF_CS32_SHIFT);
                 env->hflags = (env->hflags & ~(HF_CS32_MASK | HF_CS64_MASK)) |
+        }
+        if (seg_reg == R_SS) {
+            int cpl = (flags >> DESC_DPL_SHIFT) & 3;
+            if (env->eflags & VM_MASK) {
+                cpl = 3;
+            }
 #if HF_CPL_MASK != 3
 #error HF_CPL_MASK is hardcoded

Looks like a bug entering VM86 mode. I'll take a look, thanks for confirming what works and what doesn't!


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