Am 13.05.14 17:41, schrieb Kevin O'Connor:
> So, my advice would be to either avoid x86emu (eg, maybe by trying the
> vm86 mode of v86d, or maybe by not using uvesafb), try compiling v86d
> with a newer version of x86emu, or stick with the "lgpl VGA BIOS".
Unfortunately I cannot use vm86 mode because it's a x86-64 image (and I
really want to avoid kernel patches that seem to provide vm86 on 64 bit

However, I took the step to update the x86emu code from That
seems to work! At least with my test VM that is based on Arch Linux.
I'll try the original Gentoo-based VM tomorrow.

For the meanwhile, I uploaded my patch at Maybe someone else can
use it.

I'll try to push the fix to the original v86d repo, but the project seem
to be a bit unmaintained. Unfortunately, there seem to be three
independent versions of x86emu out there that even have different APIs
(luckily the copy still has the same API as the "original" x86emu).

Thanks for your advise and debugging help!


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