Eric Blake writes:

> On 05/02/2014 06:16 AM, Lluís Vilanova wrote:
>>>> +++ b/tests/qapi-schema/include-after-err.json
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
>>>> +{ 'include': 'include-simple-sub.json' }
>>>> +{ 'command' 'missing-colon' }
>>> In v9, Markus pointed out that 'include-after-err' is the wrong name for
>>> this test - you are testing that an error after include is detected
>>> correctly, and not the behavior of an error after an include.
>>> It's not a showstopper (I could live with v10 going into the tree), so:
>>> Reviewed-by: Eric Blake <>
>>> But if you want to spin a v11, then rename the related files and the
>>> Makefile rules to run the new name.  As a rename is trivially testable
>>> by 'make check' still passing, then if that's the only change you make,
>>> I'm still okay if you keep my R-b in your v11 message.
>> Right, I forgot to comment on this change. I did not want to change the name
>> because right now all tests start with "include-", which makes it simple to 
>> spot
>> them on a directory list.

> Then name it include-before-err.json

Ok, then I'll resend a trivial v11 with this rename and the line breaking


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