On 03/10/2014 12:17 PM, Gabriel L. Somlo wrote:
>> but instead create 1 top-level thread with all patches under the cover
>> letter:
>> 0/10
>> |- 1/10
>> |- 2/10
>> ...
>> |- 10/10
> OK, so I screwed up, now what ? Should I re-send the 10 patches
> in-reply-to the existing cover letter, or leave it be for now to
> avoid further spamming the list ?

Don't stress too hard - we were all new once :)

Personally, I'd wait a day or two for any review comments, then send a
v2 properly threaded with those comments addressed.

You might also find it helpful to read
http://wiki.qemu.org/Contribute/SubmitAPatch (and if we are missing
something there, let us know how to improvement - newcomers are the BEST
sources of information on how well a page designed to help newcomers
actually does its job).

>> 'qemu send-email -10 --annotate --cover-letter' defaults to the proper
>> threading, along with letting you modify your cover letter in your
>> editor before actually sending.
> That sounds awesome, but there's no "send-email" script under my
> qemu/scripts folder (using latest git).

Upstream git.git has included send-email for years; but many distros
ship it as a separate package because of the additional dependencies it
drags in.  On Fedora systems, it is part of the 'git-email' package.
Hmm - something to add to the SubmitAPatch wiki page - we recommend
send-email without saying where to get it on common distros :)

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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