On 03/10/2014 10:56 AM, Gabriel L. Somlo wrote:
> Hi,
> This patch set builds full smbios tables in QEMU, and sends them to
> the bios via fw_cfg as SMBIOS_TABLE_ENTRY blobs.
> I'm resending these without the "In-Reply-To" line to avoid having
> them getting buried under a bunch of other email, per Stefan's
> suggestion in an unrelated thread. Also cc-ing Alex and Markus as
> the original authors of the QEMU smbios.c file.

Not quite right.  The cover letter should not have In-Reply-To, but the
remaining patches SHOULD be in-reply-to the cover letter.  That is, you
don't want to create 11 top-level threads:


but instead create 1 top-level thread with all patches under the cover

|- 1/10
|- 2/10
|- 10/10

'qemu send-email -10 --annotate --cover-letter' defaults to the proper
threading, along with letting you modify your cover letter in your
editor before actually sending.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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