Hi all,

On 12:14 Fri 24 Jan     , Stratos Psomadakis wrote:
> On 01/23/2014 08:28 PM, Luiz Capitulino wrote:
> > Not yet, I may have some time tomorrow. How reproducible is it for 
> > you?
> We can trigger it (by following the steps described in the first mail)
> consistently.
> > Another question: have you tried to reproduce with an old qemu version
> > (say v1.0) to see if this bug always existed? If the bug was introduced
> > in some recent QEMU version you could try to bisect it.
> v1.1 is not affected. I checked the code and it seems the monitor code
> has been refactored since v1.1.
> > Maybe you could try to reproduce with a different subsystem so that we
> > can rule out or confirm monitor's involvement? Like -serial?
> It's actually a fault of the monitor_flush() function. As far as I can
> understand, monitor_flush() calls qemu_chr_fe_write() and doesn't handle
> all of the return codes / error cases properly (as I described in a
> previous mail). If you check the function, you'll see that the final
> case (where it set ups a watch / callback) always assumes an EAGAIN /
> If you can verify / confirm that this is the case and that the patch
> sent resolves the issue in a sane / correct way, I'll resubmit it
> properly (with git-format-patch, a git log msg etc).
Please see the attached testcase (python script) that programmatically 
reproduces this. Sample output with qemu 1.7.0:

$ ./test-qmp.py 
Spawning qemu

Connecting client 1

Monitor output:
{"QMP": {"version": {"qemu": {"micro": 0, "minor": 7, "major": 1}, "package": " 
(Debian 1.7.0+dfsg-2)"}, "capabilities": []}}

Connecting client 2

Monitor output:
(timeout, disconnecting)

Disconnecting client 1

Connecting client 3

Monitor output
{"QMP": {"version": {"qemu": {"micro": 0, "minor": 7, "major": 1}, "package": " 
(Debian 1.7.0+dfsg-2)"}, "capabilities": []}}
{"QMP": {"version": {"qemu": {"micro": 0, "minor": 7, "major": 1}, "package": " 
(Debian 1.7.0+dfsg-2)"}, "capabilities": []}}

Terminating qemu
qemu: terminating on signal 15 from pid 11269



import os
import socket
import tempfile
import subprocess

from time import sleep

sock_path = tempfile.mktemp()

print "Spawning qemu"
qemu = subprocess.Popen(["/usr/bin/qemu", "-chardev",
                         "socket,id=mon0,path=%s,server,nowait" % sock_path,
                         "-mon", "chardev=mon0,mode=control",
                         "-display", "none"])

# Wait for qemu to initialize
while not os.path.exists(sock_path):

print "Connecting client 1\n"

cl1 = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "Monitor output:"
print cl1.recv(1024)

print "Connecting client 2\n"
cl2 = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)

    print "Monitor output:"
    print cl2.recv(1024)
except socket.timeout:
    print "(timeout, disconnecting)\n"

print "Disconnecting client 1\n"

print "Connecting client 3\n"
cl3 = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
print "Monitor output"
print cl3.recv(1024)

print "Terminating qemu"

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