On Thu, Dec 5, 2013 at 7:20 AM, Antony Pavlov <antonynpav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Dec 2013 20:29:05 +0000
> Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org> wrote:
>> On 4 December 2013 20:22, Antony Pavlov <antonynpav...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Here is my proposition:
>> >
>> > 1. qemu board code setup CPU to start from 0xFFFF0000. (0xffff0000 is a 
>> > ROM address
>> > on DIGIC chips)
>> Sort of. What we need is:
>>  1a. Add a "hivecs" property to the ARM CPU object (which
>> just sets env->cp15.c1_sys bit 13)
>> (this is about half a dozen lines of code max)
>>  1b DIGIC board init code creates the CPU and sets the hivecs property on it
>> (another handful of lines of code)
> Ok, I'll try to make the work at the weekend.
>> > 2. we need somehow put a 'jump-to-beginning-of-ROM' instruction to 
>> > 0xffff0000.
>> > (We can't put barebox to 0xffff0000 as barebox image is bigger that 64K.)
>> >
>> > There is at least two possibilities to do so:
>> >  * we can use specially prepared ROM image;
>> >  * qemu board code can insert by itself a 'jump-to-beginning-of-ROM' 
>> > instruction
>> > after loading ROM image (as qemu MIPS Malta board code does).
>> The board code should definitely not be writing random instructions into
>> memory. You need to provide a ROM image which will do the work.

But the bootloader does this already. We have support for board
configurable secondary bootloops. Is this as simple as supporting
board configurable primary boot fragments?

arm_boot needs to be patched to do its bootstrap magic with no -kernel
arg I guess. I have something of that nature in my own tree, where I
have a command line argument that forces arm-boot to use the linux
bootstrap stuff (primary and secondary bootloops and all that)
regardless of image type.


>> > 3. CPU starts as usual. Branching to barebox code in ROM happends in a 
>> > natural way!
>> This bit's OK :-)
>> thanks
>> -- PMM
> --
> --
> Best regards,
>   Antony Pavlov

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