On 07/08/2013 09:28 PM, Wanlong Gao wrote:

>>>>> Note that after this patch, the defalut suffix of "-numa node,mem=N"
>>>>> will no longer be "M". So we must add the suffix "M" like "-numa 
>>>>> node,mem=NM"
>>>>> when assigning "N MB" of node memory size.

> But if we follow Paolo's suggestion like:
>     -numa node,nodeid=0,cpus=0 -numa node,nodeid=1,cpus=1 \
>     -numa mem,nodeid=0,size=1G,policy=membind,hostnode=0-1
>     -numa mem,nodeid=1,size=2G,policy=interleave,hostnode=1
> We already break the command line compatibility.

New command options can have whatever syntax makes sense.  The worry
here is that if you use the old command line without any new options,
the old syntax must behave the same.

> Why not change it be a really "size" options without default suffix?

Because users are annoyed when a command line that worked with qemu 1.5
needlessly fails to work with qemu 1.6.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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