Hi, I have compiled qemu 0.11.0 for x86 64 bit. I run Fedora Core 10 64 bit as my guest OS. Sometimes, when I shutdown the guest OS gracefully (using halt command), I see a kernel crash with a stack trace on guest OS window at * native_machine_shutdown()*. The RIP points to *native_smp_send_stop()*. This doesn't happen on every shutdown/reboot though.
I did see this issue in older versions of qemu too(0.10.0 and 0.10.6). This could be a minor issue for most of you but I need to fix this because I run some automated scripts on the guest OS which reboots it. Does anybody has a fix or any other idea to get around this issue? Any bit of help on this would be really helpful. Thanks, PurnaChandar M