A few notes for anyone trying this... * I recommend the q35 machine type and using the default config file found in the docs directory. This means your command line should include:
-M q35 -nodefconfig -readconfig /path/to/qemu.git/docs/q35-chipset.cfg * You're likely passing through a graphics card that is attached to the host system below a root port, so make it appear that way to the guest too. If your graphics card has a graphics function and audio function, assign them as: -device vfio-pci,host=2:00.0,x-vga=on,multifunction=on,bus=ich9-pcie-port-1,addr=0.0 \ -device vfio-pci,host=2:00.1,bus=ich9-pcie-port-1,addr=0.1 The bus name comes from the q35-chipset.cfg above. If your graphics doesn't include a separate audio device, drop the second line and the multifunction option of the first (addr is also optional at that point, 0.0 will be the default). * If you follow both of the above, your VGA device is now below a root port, but the version of seabios in qemu doesn't support initializing VGA routing to that device. To fix, use upstream seabios: git://git.seabios.org/seabios.git The default config should work. Then add the following to your qemu commandline: -L /path/to/seabios.git/out/ -L /path/to/qemu/bios/files/ (the latter is likely /usr/local/share/qemu/) * You can use -nographic to prevent QEMU from trying to start SDL or need a vnc parameter. You can also specify a -vnc option and use the window for mouse input. * Use -vga none. At this point I'm not really interested in dual-headed VMs unless you're interested in working on it. Having an emulated VGA means we're not really testing VGA support through VFIO. * Do no use the vfio-pci romfile option unless you need it (ie. try w/o first). Option ROMs check an internal signature against the hardware. If they don't match, it isn't run. If you download a ROM from the internet, you may get nowhere. If you do need a ROM, it's best to scrape it off the device you're using. You can do this through the "rom" file in sysfs for the device. "echo 1 > rom" to enable it, the read it as "cat rom > /tmp/rom". To do this, it should be a secondary graphics device and be untouched by host drivers. You may have better luck booting from an install CD to get an environment where the device is untouched for this. * USB passthrough is handy for input and easier than figuring out which ports are connected to which USB controllers for vfio-pci assignment. Use lsusb to find the devices, note the bus and device numbers, the use: -device usb-host,hostbus=8,hostaddr=2 I think that's it. Feel free to reply with other best practices. Thanks, Alex On Fri, 2013-05-03 at 16:56 -0600, Alex Williamson wrote: > Hi folks, > > A number of people have been trying VFIO's VGA support, a few have even > been successful. Resetting devices has been a problem and makes it > very, very difficult to really use VGA assignment effectively. The code > in the branches below attempts to address this. Discrete graphics > devices are typically on their own bus, which we can reset so we > theoretically get something pretty close to a power-on state for the GPU > on each run (or after each guest reset). With this I'm able to get > multiple runs on my HD7850 with no need to reset the host. Hopefully > this will also cleanup after any host uses of the device so we can > unload driver rather than blacklisting them. > > If you've been playing with VFIO and VGA, please give the branches below > a shot and report successes and failures. Note that this new reset is > only enable with the x-vga=on option, so should not do gratuitous bus > resets for other devices. Thanks, > > Alex > > git://github.com/awilliam/linux-vfio.git vfio-vga-reset > git://github.com/awilliam/qemu-vfio.git vfio-vga-reset > > PS - The above linux branch is v3.9 based which has a known kvm emulator > bug. If you're on Intel and nothing happens, try: > > sudo modprobe -r kvm_intel > sudo modprobe kvm_intel emulate_invalid_guest_state=0 > > This is required to execute the VGA BIOS on my HD7850. > > If things still don't work, apply the following patch: > > --- a/hw/misc/vfio.c > +++ b/hw/misc/vfio.c > @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ > #include "sysemu/kvm.h" > #include "sysemu/sysemu.h" > > -/* #define DEBUG_VFIO */ > +#define DEBUG_VFIO > #ifdef DEBUG_VFIO > #define DPRINTF(fmt, ...) \ > do { fprintf(stderr, "vfio: " fmt, ## __VA_ARGS__); } while (0) > > And log the output (there will be lots). > > Also, AMD/ATI and Nvidia are the only devices expected to have a > reasonable shot at working. I'm seeing reports of success on AMD/ATI HD > 5xxx, 6xxx, and 7xxx, as well as Nvidia Geforce 7-series, 8-series, 4xx > series, and 6xx series. Older cards from those vendors probably aren't > very interesting to support (honestly I wouldn't care much about 7/8 > series Nvidia or HD5xxx AMD, except I happen to have some for testing - > use emulated VGA if you don't care about performance). > > Intel IGD graphics has numerous issues since it's partially incorporated > into the chipset. Please don't bother to report IGD is broken unless > you're interested in fixing it.