First of all, this whole argument should not even exist for the following reason:
Page registrations are supposed to be *rare* - once a page is registered, it
is registered for life. There is nothing in the design that says a page must
be "unregistered" and I do not believe anybody is proposing that.
Second, this means that my previous analysis showing that performance 
was reduced
was also incorrect because most of the RDMA transfers were against pages 
the bulk phase round, which incorrectly makes dynamic page registration 
look bad.
I should have done more testing *after* the bulk phase round,
and I apologize for not doing that.

Indeed when I do such a test (with the 'stress' command) the cost of page registration disappears
because most of the registrations have already completed a long time ago.

Thanks, Paolo for reminding us about the bulk-phase behavior to being with.

Third, this means that optimizing this protocol would not be helpful and that we should follow the "keep it simple" approach because during steady-state phase of the migration
most of the pages should have already been registered.

- Michael

On 04/11/2013 10:37 AM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
Answer above.

Here's how things are supposed to work in a pipeline:

req -> registration request
res -> response
done -> rdma done notification (remote can unregister)
pgX  -> page, or chunk, or whatever unit is used
         for registration
rdma -> one or more rdma write requests

pg1 ->  pin -> req -> res -> rdma -> done
         pg2 ->  pin -> req -> res -> rdma -> done
                 pg3 -> pin -> req -> res -> rdma -> done
                        pg4 -> pin -> req -> res -> rdma -> done
                               pg4 -> pin -> req -> res -> rdma -> done

It's like a assembly line see?  So while software does the registration
roundtrip dance, hardware is processing rdma requests for previous


When do you have to stall? when you run out of rx buffer credits so you
can not start a new req.  Your protocol has 2 outstanding buffers,
so you can only have one req in the air. Do more and
you will not need to stall - possibly at all.

One other minor point is that your protocol requires extra explicit
ready commands. You can pass the number of rx buffers as extra payload
in the traffic you are sending anyway, and reduce that overhead.

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