Am 25.03.2013 um 14:23 schrieb Peter Lieven <>:

> Am 25.03.2013 um 14:02 schrieb Paolo Bonzini <>:
>>> Maybe I should have explained the output more detailed. The percentages
>>> are added. 35.8% in the second last column means that
>>> 35.8% have a return value that is less than TARGET_PAGE_SIZE.
>>> This was meant to illustrate at how many 64-bit chunks you have
>>> to look to grab a certain percentage of non-zero pages.
>> Ok, I wrongly understood that many pages had 4088 zero bytes but
>> the last 8 were not zero.  Now it's clearer, and more logical too. :)
>>> Looking e.g. at the third value it means that looking at the first
>>> three 64-bit chunks it will catch 34.0% of all pages.
>>> It turns out that the non-zeroness of a page can be detected looking
>>> at the first 256 or so bits and only a low
>>> percentage turns out to be non-zero at a later position. So after
>>> having checked the first chunks one by one
>>> there is no big penalty looking at the remaining chunks with the
>>> vectorized loop.
>> I think it makes most sense to unroll the first four non-vectorized
>> iterations, i.e. not use SSE and use three or four ifs.  Either:
>>  if (foo[0]) return 0;
>>  if (foo[1]) return 8;
>>  if (foo[2]) return 16;
>>  if (foo[3]) return 24;
>> or
>>  if (foo[0]) return 0;
>>  if (foo[1] | foo[2] | foo[3]) return 8;
>> and then proceed on the remaining 4096-4*sizeof(long) bytes with
>> the vectorized loop.  foo+4 is aligned for SIMD operations on both
>> 32- and 64-bit machines, which makes this a nice choice.
> i can't start at foo+4 since the remaining X-4*sizeof(long) bytes
> are not dividable by 8*sizeof(VECTYPE).
> I could just do sty like the following:
>    const unsigned long *tmp = buf;
>    for (i = 0; 
>             / sizeof(unsigned long);
>         i += 4) {
>        if (tmp[i + 0]) return i * sizeof(unsigned long);
>        if (tmp[i + 1]) return (i+1) * sizeof(unsigned long);
>        if (tmp[i + 2]) return (i+2) * sizeof(unsigned long);
>        if (tmp[i + 3]) return (i+3) * sizeof(unsigned long);
>    }
>         i < len / sizeof(VECTYPE); 
>        …
>    }

performance of the above is bad compared to:

        if (!ALL_EQ(p[i], zero)) {
            return i * sizeof(VECTYPE);


The above is basically what old is_dup_page is doing, but after the first
8 iterations the optimized version kicks in.


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