Alexander Graf wrote:
On Feb 1, 2008, at 5:45 PM, Mike Kronenberg wrote:
After a little discussion on the list, I made this patch for cocoa.m,
to replace CoreGraphic by OpenGL.
Great! Thank you.
It's way faster than CG, but it requires a Mac with OpenGL capable
Graphics Card and at least 8mb of VRAM.
I think starting with G4 and Highend G3, this requirements are met.
Maybe I will try if I find some spare time, but as far as I know Apple
provides a quite powerful OpenGL emulation. Last time I ran osx on
Vesa output, everything worked just fine.
[new] draws dirty lines of the window as needed, implemented with
OpenGL (used the extensions as proposed by Pierre)
[new] window can be resized
[fix] conditional builds for Leopard, without linking to a specific sdk
[fix] lineflicker in fullscreen mode
The Question is, where to draw the line - or - if it needs a switch
for CG/OpenGL support for cocoa.
As this OpenGL implementation is based on the Apple pass-through
extensions, I don't think it'd make a good start for a generic
implementation. Additionally I believe SDL is a good choice for the
output too, as they implement optimizations for the specific
platforms. The only sad part is that I have not seen a 64-bit capable
SDL on Mac OS X ;-).
I would really like to use OpenGL on non-Apple platforms. OpenGL gives
much better scaling than SDL. Typically, and OpenGL app has very little
platform specific code. It would be nice if we could use similar code here.
Anthony Liguori
Please test and comment.