Regarding orientation setting in windows 7 64 guest:
Desktop, right click->Screen resolution
 - You can choose Orientation: Landscape, Portrait, Landscape (flipped), 
Portrait (flipped)
 - You can choose Resolution
 - You can click "Advanced Settings", then "List All Modes" at the bottom, you 
get all the modes (i.e. four of each resolution, one for each orientation)

There are two changes after applying the "change rom size to 8192" patch:
 - there is no longer an Orientation option
 - the modes listed under "List All Modes" reduce as expected

Changes to the second patch:
 - no orientations except the normal
 - hard code 8192 bytes rom size
 - assert if the required size is larger

Alon Levy (2):
  qxl: stop using non revision 4 rom fields for revision < 4
  qxl: change rom size to 8192

 hw/qxl.c     | 25 ++++++++++++++++++-------
 trace-events |  2 ++
 2 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)


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