On Wed, Dec 5, 2012 at 12:39 PM, Alexander Graf <ag...@suse.de> wrote:

> On 05.12.2012, at 15:37, Alexander Graf wrote:
> On 05.12.2012, at 15:35, Alexander Graf wrote:
> On 05.12.2012, at 15:09, Erlon Cruz wrote:
> Hi Alex,
>>  Could you please post
>>   * the exact command line you were using
>  ./ppc64-softmmu/qemu-system-ppc64 -machine type=pseries,usb=off -m 512
> -net nic,vlan=0 -net tap -nographic -cdrom
> /exports/isos/SLES-11-SP2-DVD-ppc64-GM-DVD1.iso -hda
> /exports/sles11_sp2.qcow2 -monitor unix:/dev/tty1,nowait,server
> Ah, so you're using -M mac99, which means any patch that says "pseries"
> shouldn't affect that VM at all.
> Scratch that. -machine type=pseries obviously makes this a pseries machine.
> Please still try to check if 1.2 or 1.1 work for you. Checking if
> disabling graphics makes things work would be interesting too.
> Also -cpu 970 would be an interesting thing to try.

This fails right in the kernel  start:

found display   : /pci@800000020000001/vga@0, opening... done
instantiating rtas at 0x000000001dbf0000... done
boot cpu hw idx 0
copying OF device tree...
Building dt strings...
Building dt structure...
Device tree strings 0x0000000005780000 -> 0x0000000005780780
Device tree struct  0x0000000005790000 -> 0x00000000057a0000
Calling quiesce...
returning from prom_init
Trying to read invalid spr 8 008 at c000000000926cbc
Trying to read invalid spr 28 01c at 0000000000000720

> Alex

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