On 07/30/2012 11:16 PM, Jeff Cody wrote:
> The command for live block commit is added, which has the following
> arguments:
> device: the block device to perform the commit on (mandatory)
> base:   the base image to commit into; optional (if not specified,
>         it is the underlying original image)
> top:    the top image of the commit - all data from inside top down
>         to base will be committed into base. optional (if not specified,
>         it is the active image) - see note below
> speed:  maximum speed, in bytes/sec
> on_error: action to take on error (optional - default is report)
> note: eventually this will support merging down the active layer,
>       but that code is not yet complete.  If the active layer is passed
>       in currently as top, or top is left to the default, then the error
>       QERR_TOP_NOT_FOUND will be returned.
> The is down as a block job, so upon completion a BLOCK_JOB_COMPLETED will
> be emitted.

s/The is down/This is done/ ?

Also, how does block-job-cancel interact with the job started by this
command?  Is it something we can cancel and restart at will, like

> +++ b/qapi-schema.json
> @@ -1365,6 +1365,39 @@
>    'returns': 'str' } 
>  ##
> +# @block-commit
> +#
> +# Live commit of data from child image nodes into parent nodes - i.e.,
> +# writes data between 'top' and 'base' into 'base'.
> +#
> +# @device:  the name of the device
> +#
> +# @base:   #optional The parent image of the device to write data into.
> +#                    If not specified, this is the original parent image.
> +#
> +# @top:    #optional The child image, above which data will not be commited


> +# @on_error: #optional the action to take on an error (default report)
> +#
> +# Returns: Nothing on success
> +#          If commit or stream is already active on this device, DeviceInUse
> +#          If @device does not exist, DeviceNotFound
> +#          If image commit is not supported by this device, NotSupported
> +#          If @base does not exist, BaseNotFound
> +#          If @top does not exist, TopNotFound
> +#          If @speed is invalid, InvalidParameter
> +#
> +# Since: 1.2
> +#
> +##
> +{ 'command': 'block-commit',
> +  'data': { 'device': 'str', '*base': 'str', '*top': 'str',
> +            '*speed': 'int', '*on_error': 'BlockdevOnError' } }

s/on_error/on-error/ (hmm, I guess you were copying from Paolo's series,
so he probably has the same change to make)

Eric Blake   ebl...@redhat.com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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