On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 06:44:04PM +0000, Blue Swirl wrote:
> > +struct GlusterOpts {
> static


> > +    bool optional;
> > +    char defval[10];
> const char *defval?

Sure I could.

> > +    char *value;
> > +} GlusterOpts[] = {
> > +    {false, "", NULL },
> > +    {false, "", NULL },
> > +    {true, "0", NULL },
> > +    {true, "socket", NULL },
> > +    {false, "", NULL },
> > +    {false, "", NULL },
> > +};
> > +
> > +    if (i == GOPT_LAST-1 && strlen(q)) {
> Spaces around '-'.

checkpatch.pl doesn't enforce this, but I can change.

> > +
> > +    port = strtoul(GlusterOpts[GOPT_PORT].value, NULL, 0);
> > +    if (port < 0) {
> port > 65535 could be bad too.

Actually I am just checking if strtoul gave me a valid integer only
and depending on gluster to flag an error for invalid port number.
But I guess no harm in checking for valid port range here. Is there
a #define equivalent for 65535 ?

> > +
> > +    fd = glfs_creat(glfs, GlusterOpts[GOPT_IMAGE].value,
> Spaces around '|'.

Again, checkpatch.pl doesn't enforce this, but I can change.

Thanks for take time to review.


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