Hello everybody ! I'm sorry to use this list to do some "advertising" but it is closely related to Qemu :)
I've developing web-based hypervisor for Qemu/KVM for my company. It is released under the GPLv2 and available in alpha version here : http://www.fgv6.net/spip.php?nid=3&article17 ATM instructions for use are in French and all the software is in French as it wasn't a priority for my company to be multi-speech... But everyone willing to contribute is welcome :) ! We made this because we need a lot of test machines and didn't want to have VM's everywhere that anyone could control. Here are the key features of CASIMIR : _Based on Free software : LAMP, SSH, Qemu and/or KVM, VNC, sudo, socat, and others... _Manage as much host servers and their guests as you wish from a single hypervisor _Authentication based on MySQL or NTLM _2 levels of users : Users and Admins _Integrated VNC Viewer with on-the-fly service opening (to ensure that the machine's VNC ils "only" accessible on demand and not always open for everyone) _Mac Addresses management (useful to assign IPs) We hope you'll find it useful as it ou way to thank the Qemu community for the wonderful software they are making ! Regards, François.