On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 07:27:25AM -0700, Chegu Vinod wrote:
> On 6/4/2012 6:13 AM, Isaku Yamahata wrote:
>> On Mon, Jun 04, 2012 at 05:01:30AM -0700, Chegu Vinod wrote:
>>> Hello Isaku Yamahata,
>> Hi.
>>> I just saw your patches..Would it be possible to email me a tar bundle of 
>>> these
>>> patches (makes it easier to apply the patches to a copy of the upstream 
>>> qemu.git)
>> I uploaded them to github for those who are interested in it.
>> git://github.com/yamahata/qemu.git qemu-postcopy-june-04-2012
>> git://github.com/yamahata/linux-umem.git  linux-umem-june-04-2012
> Thanks for the pointer...
>>> BTW, I am also curious if you have considered using any kind of RDMA 
>>> features for
>>> optimizing the page-faults during postcopy ?
>> Yes, RDMA is interesting topic. Can we share your use case/concern/issues?
> Looking at large sized guests (256GB and higher)  running cpu/memory  
> intensive enterprise workloads.
> The  concerns are the same...i.e. having a predictable total migration  
> time, minimal downtime/freeze-time and of course minimal service  
> degradation to the workload(s) in the VM or the co-located VM's...
> How large of a guest have you tested your changes with and what kind of  
> workloads have you used so far ?

Only up to several GB VM. Off course We'd like to benchmark with real
huge VM (several hundred GB), but it's somewhat difficult.

>> Thus we can collaborate.
>> You may want to see Benoit's results.
> Yes. 'have already seen some of Benoit's results.


> Hence the question about use of RDMA techniques for post copy.

So far my implementation doesn't used RDMA.

>> As long as I know, he has not published
>> his code yet.
> Thanks
> Vinod
>> thanks,
>>> Thanks
>>> Vinod
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Message: 1
>>> Date: Mon,  4 Jun 2012 18:57:02 +0900
>>> From: Isaku Yamahata<yamah...@valinux.co.jp>
>>> To: qemu-devel@nongnu.org, k...@vger.kernel.org
>>> Cc: benoit.hud...@gmail.com, aarca...@redhat.com, aligu...@us.ibm.com,
>>>     quint...@redhat.com, stefa...@gmail.com, t.hirofu...@aist.go.jp,
>>>     dl...@redhat.com, satoshi.i...@aist.go.jp,      
>>> mdr...@linux.vnet.ibm.com,
>>>     yoshikawa.tak...@oss.ntt.co.jp, owass...@redhat.com, a...@redhat.com,
>>>     pbonz...@redhat.com
>>> Subject: [Qemu-devel] [PATCH v2 00/41] postcopy live migration
>>> Message-ID:<cover.1338802190.git.yamah...@valinux.co.jp>
>>> After the long time, we have v2. This is qemu part.
>>> The linux kernel part is sent separatedly.
>>> Changes v1 ->   v2:
>>> - split up patches for review
>>> - buffered file refactored
>>> - many bug fixes
>>>    Espcially PV drivers can work with postcopy
>>> - optimization/heuristic
>>> Patches
>>> 1 - 30: refactoring exsiting code and preparation
>>> 31 - 37: implement postcopy itself (essential part)
>>> 38 - 41: some optimization/heuristic for postcopy
>>> Intro
>>> =====
>>> This patch series implements postcopy live migration.[1]
>>> As discussed at KVM forum 2011, dedicated character device is used for
>>> distributed shared memory between migration source and destination.
>>> Now we can discuss/benchmark/compare with precopy. I believe there are
>>> much rooms for improvement.
>>> [1] http://wiki.qemu.org/Features/PostCopyLiveMigration
>>> Usage
>>> =====
>>> You need load umem character device on the host before starting migration.
>>> Postcopy can be used for tcg and kvm accelarator. The implementation depend
>>> on only linux umem character device. But the driver dependent code is split
>>> into a file.
>>> I tested only host page size == guest page size case, but the implementation
>>> allows host page size != guest page size case.
>>> The following options are added with this patch series.
>>> - incoming part
>>>    command line options
>>>    -postcopy [-postcopy-flags<flags>]
>>>    where flags is for changing behavior for benchmark/debugging
>>>    Currently the following flags are available
>>>    0: default
>>>    1: enable touching page request
>>>    example:
>>>    qemu -postcopy -incoming tcp:0:4444 -monitor stdio -machine accel=kvm
>>> - outging part
>>>    options for migrate command
>>>    migrate [-p [-n] [-m]] URI [<prefault forward>   [<prefault backword>]]
>>>    -p: indicate postcopy migration
>>>    -n: disable background transferring pages: This is for 
>>> benchmark/debugging
>>>    -m: move background transfer of postcopy mode
>>>    <prefault forward>: The number of forward pages which is sent with 
>>> on-demand
>>>    <prefault backward>: The number of backward pages which is sent with
>>>                         on-demand
>>>    example:
>>>    migrate -p -n tcp:<dest ip address>:4444
>>>    migrate -p -n -m tcp:<dest ip address>:4444 32 0
>>> TODO
>>> ====
>>> - benchmark/evaluation. Especially how async page fault affects the result.
>>> - improve/optimization
>>>    At the moment at least what I'm aware of is
>>>    - making incoming socket non-blocking with thread
>>>      As page compression is comming, it is impractical to non-blocking read
>>>      and check if the necessary data is read.
>>>    - touching pages in incoming qemu process by fd handler seems suboptimal.
>>>      creating dedicated thread?
>>>    - outgoing handler seems suboptimal causing latency.
>>> - consider on FUSE/CUSE possibility
>>> - don't fork umemd, but create thread?
>>> basic postcopy work flow
>>> ========================
>>>          qemu on the destination
>>>                |
>>>                V
>>>          open(/dev/umem)
>>>                |
>>>                V
>>>          UMEM_INIT
>>>                |
>>>                V
>>>          Here we have two file descriptors to
>>>          umem device and shmem file
>>>                |
>>>                |                                  umemd
>>>                |                                  daemon on the destination
>>>                |
>>>                V    create pipe to communicate
>>>          fork()---------------------------------------,
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      |
>>>          close(socket)                                V
>>>          close(shmem)                              mmap(shmem file)
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      V
>>>          mmap(umem device) for guest RAM           close(shmem file)
>>>                |                                      |
>>>          close(umem device)                           |
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      |
>>>          wait for ready from daemon<----pipe-----send ready message
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                |                                 Here the daemon takes over
>>>          send ok------------pipe--------------->   the owner of the socket
>>>                |                                    to the source
>>>                V                                      |
>>>          entering post copy stage                     |
>>>          start guest execution                        |
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      V
>>>          access guest RAM                          read() to get faulted 
>>> pages
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      V
>>>          page fault ------------------------------>page offset is returned
>>>          block                                        |
>>>                                                       V
>>>                                                    pull page from the source
>>>                                                    write the page contents
>>>                                                    to the shmem.
>>>                                                       |
>>>                                                       V
>>>          unblock<-----------------------------write() to tell served pages
>>>          the fault handler returns the page
>>>          page fault is resolved
>>>                |
>>>                |                                   pages can be sent
>>>                |                                   backgroundly
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                |                                      V
>>>                |                                   write()
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      V
>>>          The specified pages<-----pipe------------request to touch pages
>>>          are made present by                          |
>>>          touching guest RAM.                          |
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      V
>>>               reply-------------pipe------------->   release the cached page
>>>                |                                   madvise(MADV_REMOVE)
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      V
>>>                   all the pages are pulled from the source
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      V
>>>          the vma becomes anonymous<----------------UMEM_MAKE_VMA_ANONYMOUS
>>>         (note: I'm not sure if this can be implemented or not)
>>>                |                                      |
>>>                V                                      V
>>>          migration completes                        exit()
>>> Isaku Yamahata (41):
>>>    arch_init: export sort_ram_list() and ram_save_block()
>>>    arch_init: export RAM_SAVE_xxx flags for postcopy
>>>    arch_init/ram_save: introduce constant for ram save version = 4
>>>    arch_init: refactor host_from_stream_offset()
>>>    arch_init/ram_save_live: factor out RAM_SAVE_FLAG_MEM_SIZE case
>>>    arch_init: refactor ram_save_block()
>>>    arch_init/ram_save_live: factor out ram_save_limit
>>>    arch_init/ram_load: refactor ram_load
>>>    arch_init: introduce helper function to find ram block with id string
>>>    arch_init: simplify a bit by ram_find_block()
>>>    arch_init: factor out counting transferred bytes
>>>    arch_init: factor out setting last_block, last_offset
>>>    exec.c: factor out qemu_get_ram_ptr()
>>>    exec.c: export last_ram_offset()
>>>    savevm: export qemu_peek_buffer, qemu_peek_byte, qemu_file_skip
>>>    savevm: qemu_pending_size() to return pending buffered size
>>>    savevm, buffered_file: introduce method to drain buffer of buffered
>>>      file
>>>    QEMUFile: add qemu_file_fd() for later use
>>>    savevm/QEMUFile: drop qemu_stdio_fd
>>>    savevm/QEMUFileSocket: drop duplicated member fd
>>>    savevm: rename QEMUFileSocket to QEMUFileFD, socket_close to fd_close
>>>    savevm/QEMUFile: introduce qemu_fopen_fd
>>>    migration.c: remove redundant line in migrate_init()
>>>    migration: export migrate_fd_completed() and migrate_fd_cleanup()
>>>    migration: factor out parameters into MigrationParams
>>>    buffered_file: factor out buffer management logic
>>>    buffered_file: Introduce QEMUFileNonblock for nonblock write
>>>    buffered_file: add qemu_file to read/write to buffer in memory
>>>    umem.h: import Linux umem.h
>>>    update-linux-headers.sh: teach umem.h to update-linux-headers.sh
>>>    configure: add CONFIG_POSTCOPY option
>>>    savevm: add new section that is used by postcopy
>>>    postcopy: introduce -postcopy and -postcopy-flags option
>>>    postcopy outgoing: add -p and -n option to migrate command
>>>    postcopy: introduce helper functions for postcopy
>>>    postcopy: implement incoming part of postcopy live migration
>>>    postcopy: implement outgoing part of postcopy live migration
>>>    postcopy/outgoing: add forward, backward option to specify the size
>>>      of prefault
>>>    postcopy/outgoing: implement prefault
>>>    migrate: add -m (movebg) option to migrate command
>>>    migration/postcopy: add movebg mode
>>>   Makefile.target                 |    5 +
>>>   arch_init.c                     |  298 ++++---
>>>   arch_init.h                     |   20 +
>>>   block-migration.c               |    8 +-
>>>   buffered_file.c                 |  322 ++++++--
>>>   buffered_file.h                 |   32 +
>>>   configure                       |   12 +
>>>   cpu-all.h                       |    9 +
>>>   exec-obsolete.h                 |    1 +
>>>   exec.c                          |   87 ++-
>>>   hmp-commands.hx                 |   18 +-
>>>   hmp.c                           |   10 +-
>>>   linux-headers/linux/umem.h      |   42 +
>>>   migration-exec.c                |   12 +-
>>>   migration-fd.c                  |   25 +-
>>>   migration-postcopy-stub.c       |   77 ++
>>>   migration-postcopy.c            | 1771 
>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>>>   migration-tcp.c                 |   25 +-
>>>   migration-unix.c                |   26 +-
>>>   migration.c                     |   97 ++-
>>>   migration.h                     |   47 +-
>>>   qapi-schema.json                |    4 +-
>>>   qemu-common.h                   |    2 +
>>>   qemu-file.h                     |    8 +-
>>>   qemu-options.hx                 |   25 +
>>>   qmp-commands.hx                 |    4 +-
>>>   savevm.c                        |  177 ++++-
>>>   scripts/update-linux-headers.sh |    2 +-
>>>   sysemu.h                        |    4 +-
>>>   umem.c                          |  364 ++++++++
>>>   umem.h                          |  101 +++
>>>   vl.c                            |   16 +-
>>>   vmstate.h                       |    2 +-
>>>   33 files changed, 3373 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)
>>>   create mode 100644 linux-headers/linux/umem.h
>>>   create mode 100644 migration-postcopy-stub.c
>>>   create mode 100644 migration-postcopy.c
>>>   create mode 100644 umem.c
>>>   create mode 100644 umem.h
>>> ------------------------------


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