Am 11.05.2012 16:45, schrieb Paolo Bonzini:
> Il 11/05/2012 16:20, Andreas Färber ha scritto:
>> char *string = NULL;
>>>>      mo = string_output_visitor_new();
>>>> -    object_property_get(obj, string_output_get_visitor(mo), name, NULL);
>>>> +    object_property_get(obj, string_output_get_visitor(mo), name, errp);
>> If we do error checking we should be consequent and do:
>> if (!error_is_set(errp)) {
>>>>      string = string_output_get_string(mo);
>> }
>>>>      string_output_visitor_cleanup(mo);
> Or just say that it is part of the string_output_visitor interface that
> in case of an error the returned string is NULL.

I see it now: The StringOutputVisitor is allocated with g_malloc0(), so
that it's initially NULL. get_string_output() would thus simply pass
through NULL and doesn't need special error handling.

Thanks, applied to qom-1.1 and qom-next:


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