On Mon, Mar 10, 2025 at 15:33:02 +0100, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> Am 13.02.2025 um 19:00 hat Stefan Hajnoczi geschrieben:
> > Allow virtio-scsi virtqueues to be assigned to different IOThreads. This
> > makes it possible to take advantage of host multi-queue block layer
> > scalability by assigning virtqueues that have affinity with vCPUs to
> > different IOThreads that have affinity with host CPUs. The same feature
> > was introduced for virtio-blk in the past:
> > https://developers.redhat.com/articles/2024/09/05/scaling-virtio-blk-disk-io-iothread-virtqueue-mapping
> > 
> > Here are fio randread 4k iodepth=64 results from a 4 vCPU guest with an
> > Intel P4800X SSD:
> > iothreads IOPS
> > ------------------------------
> > 1         189576
> > 2         312698
> > 4         346744
> > 
> > Signed-off-by: Stefan Hajnoczi <stefa...@redhat.com>
> As Peter already noted, the interface is a bit confusing in that it
> considers the control and event queue just normal queues like any other
> and you need to specify a mapping for them, too (even though you
> probably don't care about them).
> I wonder if it wouldn't be better to use the iothread-vq-mapping
> property only for command queues and to have separate properties for the
> event and control queue. I think this would be less surprising to users.

In the v2 of libvirt's patches I've proposed:

        <driver queues='3'>
            <iothread id='2'>
              <queue id='ctrl'/>
              <queue id='event'/>
              <queue id='1'/>
            <iothread id='3'>
              <queue id='0'/>
              <queue id='2'/>

To map the queues by name explicitly so that it's clear what's

In my proposed it auto-translates ctrl and event into 0 and 1 and the
command queues into N+2.

> It would also allow you to use the round robin allocation for command
> queues while using a different setting for the special queues - in
> particular, the event queue is currently no_poll, which disables polling
> for the whole AioContext, so you probably want to have it just anywhere
> else, but not in the iothreads you use for command queues. This should
> probably also be the default.

This sounds like an important bit of information. If that stays like
this I think libvirt should also document this.

The proposed libvirt patch also words the recommendation to use the
round-robin approach unless specific needs arise so if qemu did the
correct thing here it would be great.

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