Thanks for showing me the video. I will take a look and check what would go 
wrong here. I kinda understand corruption may happen
in some scenario but I don't know what could cause the upside down image. Do 
you have any idea?? Maybe the frame was temporarily replaced with
a mishandled texture that QEMU creates from the surface temporarily but I am 
not sure..

In the worst case scenario, I think we may have to revert the change from 
gtk-gl-area.c for now until the problem is root-caused.
But you would see some rendering timeout in case the GTK window is in invisible 
state (like minimization).

> Subject: Re: [PATCH v6 00/10] Support virtio-gpu DRM native context
> On 2/4/25 04:51, Kim, Dongwon wrote:
> >> Subject: Re: [PATCH v6 00/10] Support virtio-gpu DRM native context
> >>
> >> "Kim, Dongwon" <> writes:
> >>
> >>> Hi,
> >>>
> >>> The commit below could change the timing of drawing by making the
> >>> drawing done at refresh cycle instead of via drawing event. So it
> >>> looks like either dmabuf or client's framebuffer is being written
> >>> and read at the same time. Hey, can you describe how the corruption
> >>> looks like? Is it just garbage image with random noise or the actual
> >>> frame with some
> >> defects like tearing...?
> >>
> >> The terminal gets mirrored upside down and the mouse creates damage
> >> as it moves about.
> >
> > I am wondering if this is reproducible without virgl and drm native
> > context (like w/ sw rasterizer on the guest) as well.
> It looks like a problem with redraw areas, see video sample [1].
> [1]
> sp=sharing
> It's reproducible without native context with a SW render using '-device 
> virtio-
> vga,hostmem=8G,blob=on'
> --
> Best regards,
> Dmitry

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