Am 26.04.2012 17:48, schrieb Anthony Liguori:
> On 04/26/2012 10:23 AM, Christian Borntraeger wrote:
>> From: Einar Lueck<>
>> There are QEMUMachines that have neither IF_IDE nor IF_SCSI as a
>> default/standard interface to their block devices / drives. Therefore,
>> this patch introduces a new field def_blk_if per QEMUMachine struct.
>> The prior use_scsi field becomes thereby obsolete and is replaced through
>> .def_blk_if = IF_SCSI.
> I'd prefer a less cryptic name along with a reasonable default.  If 0
> isn't the right thing for IF_*, we could use another enum.
> Looking briefly, it seems like both IF_SCSI and IF_IDE could be a
> reasonable default.

Not so long ago you told me that the whole machine should go into
configuration files... If we do start drilling up QEMUMachine now, we
should seriously QOM'ify it for 1.2.


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