On 1/8/25 08:59, Alex Bennée wrote:
Rob Landley <r...@landley.net> writes:
On 1/7/25 12:05, Alex Bennée wrote:
Stafford Horne <sho...@gmail.com> writes:
I have not used -hda before, do you have it working with other targets?
According to the qemu docs in qemu-options.hx. I see:
Use file as hard disk 0, 1, 2 or 3 image on the default bus of the
emulated machine (this is for example the IDE bus on most x86 machines,
but it can also be SCSI, virtio or something else on other target
architectures). See also the :ref:`disk images` chapter in the System
Emulation Users Guide.
I think, since we don't have a "default" bus in openrisc this doesn't work so we
need to specify the -drive explictly.
Well if you want a simple drive command you need something. For example
on -M virt for aarch64:
echo "We've replaced the dilithium they normally use with Folger's
Crystals." > file.img
qemu-system-aarch64 -M virt -cpu cortex-a57 -m 256 -nographic \
-no-reboot -kernel linux-kernel -initrd initramfs.cpio.gz \
-append "HOST=aarch64 console=ttyAMA0" -hda README
Type exit when done.
$ cat /dev/vda
We've replaced the dilithium they normally use with Folger's Crystals.
$ exit
reboot: Restarting system
Seems like a sane default is already there. (And on most other boards.)
I also note that 90% of the above qemu invocation is the same for all
targets. My build system's entire configuration for the m68k
architecture is just:
elif [ "$CROSS" == m68k ]; then
QEMU_M=q800 KARCH=m68k
And here's the or1k target under discussion:
elif [ "$CROSS" == or1k ]; then
KARCH=openrisc QEMU_M=virt KARGS=ttyS0
There are some targets I have to poke harder, armv5l and armv4tl have
"qemu-system-arm -M versatilepb -net nic,model=rtl8139 -net user" for
some reason... Huh, apparently I've been doing that since 2007?
Why did I do that... https://landley.net/notes-2007.html#04-07-2007 says
"switch to using the rtl8139 driver because PIO doesn't work on
the qemu-system-arm PCI controller yet so I need something with mmio."
Maybe that's fixed by now and I can go back to the default network card
there? Hmmm, hw/arm/versatilepb.c says the default is smc91c111, the
kernel driver for that is CONFIG_SMC91X... which needs GPIOLIB for some
reason (why is that a depends not a selects?) And yes, the board's
default network card works if I flip on the right driver and remove the
Ok, fixed: https://github.com/landley/toybox/commit/65887c2f3cd8
But the point was it _can_ do that. Just seldom needs to. I was asking
for a "that" prefix which let me use -hda on or1k (and still worked when
I didn't supply one). I don't mind supplementing or overriding an
unworkable default in the wrapper script, I've done it before. But what
I was asking for was something to make -hda work when $@ expanded to it.
only really contains backend options. By default this will attach the
block device to the virtio-pci bus, see virt.c:
mc->block_default_type = IF_VIRTIO;
The backend options might look a bit much, a simpler case with qcow2
would be:
-drive driver=qcow2,file=trixie-x86_64.qcow2
A raw block device can be loopback mounted on the host and mounted
within qemu in the same way. (Qemu doesn't even mind if they're sparse,
although loopback still did last I checked.)
The block device isn't even always a filesystem, sometimes it's a
tarball. And when it is a filesystem, half the time it's squashfs. Why
wrap it in a ubifs-style block remapping layer? Extra step, more tools,
can't look at the data in hexedit (which comes up)... It may be nice to
have a more complicated option, but "raw image" is the generic version.
However if you don't have any default bus for your block devices you
must use -device/-blockdev pairs. It doesn't add much:
-device virtio-scsi-pci \
-device scsi-hd,drive=hd \
Where "you don't" means "the board doesn't"? So the user of the board
has to manually tell the board emulation what bus type it has available?
(And guess right, because I can't add arbitrary types, the board will
only ACCEPT certain ones...)
So all I've added is the bus, a device and then linked them with the
drive/node-name ids.
With hda I'm saying "here's the filename for your block device", and I'm
usually externally supplying it to an existing board setup. When
comparing the m68k behavior with the arm behavior of the same piece of
software, I don't need to tell each system how to be itself. (It already
With your suggested API, specifying the filename as its own argument
separate from the rest doesn't seem to have occurred to the designers.
If I don't provide an -hda then there isn't one. Cleanly drops out. If I
specify -device without a filename, qemu tends to get upset and refuse
to start.
You jumped into the thread to encouraging a move from -hda to -drive. In
what way is -drive the superior option from a user perspective?
I checked the x86 machine code and confirm it seems to work like this. There is
code in the system setup to look for hd* drives and wire them into IDE. There
is no such code in openrisc.
Yeah don't use -hdX as they are legacy options with a lot of default
assumptions. As the docs say:
The QEMU block device handling options have a long history and
gone through several iterations as the feature set and complexity of
the block layer have grown. Many online guides to QEMU often reference
older and deprecated options, which can lead to confusion.
I want "a block device from this file" in a generic way that works the
same across multiple architectures regardless of the board being
emulated, where I only have to specify the file not explicitly
micromanage bus plumbing details, and which is easy for a human to
type from when explained over a voice call.
You shouldn't need to micro manage bus details, you just need to link
the device to the backend via an id.
By "shouldn't need to micro manage the bus details", are you saying I
can link the device to the backend without ever having manually
specified the bus type on the command line?
Inside the VM, my init script does something like:
[ -e /dev/?da ] && mount /dev/?da /mnt
[ -x /mnt/init ] && exec /mnt/init
So it doesn't care if it's sda or vda and "just works" as long as the
device shows up in /dev. And it just works if it's _not_ there either.
(And used to work with /dev/hda before they made everything pretend to
be scsi.)
To trigger it, I go "./run-qemu.sh -hda filename.img" because my run
script has "$@" in the qemu command line, so I don't need to know how it
will be used. (This isn't the ONLY thing they can add, another common
thing is to set up port forwarding so a server in the emulator can
appear on a host loopback port.) It's a generic tool like a hammer. It
works the same whether ./run-qemu.sh is in the m68k directory, sh4eb,
powerpc, etc.
What's the alternative to -hda you suggest for that?
Can I do "./run-qemu.sh -drive file=blah.img" without the rest?
Perhaps specify all the details in the script and then optionally add
an extra argument at the end? I couldn't get that to work:
$ root/or1k/run-qemu.sh -netdev user,id=net0 -device
virtio-net-device,netdev=net0 -drive format=raw,id=hd0 -device
virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0 -drive file=README
qemu-system-or1k: -drive format=raw,id=hd0: A block device must be
specified for "file"
Also, if you say -device and -drive but do NOT specify a file, qemu
refuses to start. So I can't set the defaults but only optionally use
them, the way -hda has defaults built into the image that don't cause
a problem if I DON'T add a -hda argument to the command line.
device and blockdev pairs are required.
Required when -hda doesn't work.
-drive attempts to do both in one command line option
If I can -drive setup,setup,setup and then -hda filename.img (or not)
later, then the details can get hidden in run-qemu.sh, which is what I
was asking how to do earlier in this thread.
Or does -drive still require I know what filename to attach, and whether
or not to do it? So if I wanted to support -hda command.sqf -hdb
workspace.ext3 -hdc toolchain.iso that got intercepted and turned into
-drive by a shell script I would need... I dunno, some sort of loop?
Do you want my wrapper script to include a regex to notice one of its
arguments was "-hda", find the argument after that and convert it into a
-drive line, with error handling for "there wasn't another argument" or
, and = in the filename? Plus it needs to know -hdb and -hdc and -hdd as
well to keep parity with what was previously there...
Or do you want the users to have to externally specify the -drive line
to the script, with target-specific bus type they didn't need to know
before in order to attach a disk to a VM?
Which of these is the improvement that makes a move from -hda to -drive
better for the user?
I am attempting to get generic behavior out of multiple architectures,
among other reasons so I can cross-test and package up "it fails on X,
here's a build and test" to point package maintainers at.
We support a wide variety of boards some with fixed block device buses
and some with the ability to add stuff dynamically. While we certainly
could do better documenting the edge cases (patches welcome ;-) I'm not
sure its possible to come up with a generic command line that works
across all boards.
I have one already. The qemu devs deprecated it for some reason, and
made it spit warnings and break fdisk when using "raw" images. (If you
can wipe everything _except_ the first few blocks, what exactly have you
improved? Never understood that part...)
That said any of the VirtIO enabled platforms (often
called virt) will have fairly similar command lines for adding devices
(modulo PCI/MMIO support).
The test I ran upthread said that aarch64, armv7l, riscv32, riscv64, and
s390x were all using /dev/vda for -hda.
And armv4l, armv5l, i486, i686, m68k, mips, mips64, mipsel, powerpc,
powerpc64, powerpc64le, sh4, sh4eb, and x86_64 weren't.
And the caller didn't need to know the difference.
If I have to explain "-drive virtio-potato-walrus,inkpot=striated
-device collect=striated,burbank-potato,ireland" at somebody whose
domain expertise is xfce or something, the barrier to getting them to
reproduce the issue I'm seeing is noticeably higher. If I have to MAKE
a bespoke wrapper shell script for them with every bug report, the
likelihood that it works differently for them than when I tried it is
noticeably nonzero, and the likelihood of the issue going on my todo
heap and never getting pursued upstream is also noticeably higher.
Which is why I try to make generic tools...
Just put it in a script then.
Which is why my question upthread was if there was a way to use the
micromanaging --longopts to tell qemu what plumbing -hda (and -hdb, etc)
should attach to, without actually requiring there to _be_ one.
The answer seems to be "no, it needs a patch and rebuild".
If I have to agglutinate a supplied filename into a -drive
thing,thing,thing list, how do you suggest I do that without #!/bin/bash
having to be present because I wrote shell plumbing to make elaborate
command line option parsing decisions that were never tested on "fish"
or "zsh" or "dash" or busybox ash or...
Keep in mind the current shell plumbing is literally "$@" from posix.
(And when I have to set up the long version for a nightly cron job,
and then when the test fails 6 months later and I look at it and go
"huh? salad?" that's a bad 3am digression as well. And which is more
likely to break from version skew during qemu version upgrades: two
lines of micromanaging --longopts or -hda that gets adjusted by the
QEMU's command line reputation is not undeserved but it is at least
consistent with the modern composable options. If we can improve the
documentation then let us know:
But expanding the use of automagical options is not really a long term
Do you plan to replace "-m 256" with a longopt that requires you to
specify the physical address range of the new memory using multiple
name=value comma separated arguments?
Or is "-m 256" a useful control knob indicating a thing a user wants to
have happen without needing to know all the board-specific
implementation details to invoke it?
P.S. For some reason -hda grew an "I'm going to make the first block
read-only just like loopback devices do because you can't be trusted"
nag a few years back, but it's mostly yet more boot spam. I can tell
the kernel to be quiet during boot, but never figured out the
equivalent for qemu-system...
-append passes options to the kernel command line if you are doing a
direct kernel boot or your firmware supports direct kernel booting.
I asked why append doesn't 8 years ago:
I'm not sure how your response relates to "-hda complains about raw
images". The commit in question that broke it (38f3ef574b48) preserved
the probe for image types, instead of having -hda just default to "raw"
always, and requiring the --longopt version to specify the types. That's
the part I never understood, THAT seemed a really weird decision. "The
qcow image format is insecure, because qcow can always #include
arbitrary external files so if you run qemu as root it can read
/etc/shadow which is apparently a thing people do". There is indeed a
problem, but it's not raw?
For that matter, why not do what qemu did for:
-m [size=]megs[,slots=n,maxmem=size]
You _can_ have a short option do a sane thing by default but add
_optional_ compostable csv nonsense to it, where "in order to use an
image file with an = or , in it you need -hda name=thing,thing and name=
will always eat the rest of its argument", possibly with an informative
error message when -hda file,name or -hda file=name doesn't understand
what it was given.
The UI decisions here struck me as very strange, and deprecating the way
-hda has worked since 2005 seemed odd to me. (Possibly earlier but
https://landley.net/notes-2005.html#02-12-2005 is when I first got an
-hda of a partitioned disk image with LILO installed on it to boot under
qemu. That was before even aboriginal linux, that was
https://landley.net/aboriginal/old/ and most of the progress reports
about _that_ were on livejournal. I switched from User Mode Linux _to_