On 1/7/25 11:31, Stafford Horne wrote:
On Tue, Jan 07, 2025 at 05:56:52AM -0600, Rob Landley wrote:
On 12/31/24 19:19, Rob Landley wrote:
On 12/23/24 07:05, Stafford Horne wrote:
The kernel config looks like it should have virt block device
support, but
-device virtio-blk-device,drive=d0 -drive
-drive file=file.img,format=raw,id=hd0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=hd0
My -device looks similar but -drive is file=file.img,format=raw,id=hd0
No idea what if= does? I haven't seemed to need it...
Thanks, I think this target is good for release. Now to figure out why
sh2eb network isn't working after the restore (it used to!). Nor is
microblaze's network...
My test harness appends -hda filename.img to the qemu command line, which
works for all the other targets, and is awkward to turn into
-device lots-of-stuff,file-filename.img,more-stuff inside a shell script.
(At best it's a special case parsing and rewriting qemu command line
plumbing to turn "generic" into an architecture-specific workaround.)
Hi Rob,
Sorry, from the laat email I was under the impression that you had everything
working as expected.
I have it all working by hand, but not in the automated test harness.
See the comment at the start of:
In THEORY I should be able to do something like:
root/or1k/run-qemu.sh -netdev user,id=net0 -device
virtio-net-device,netdev=net0 -device virtio-blk-device,drive=sd0 -hda
And just have extra arch setup that then accepts the generic appended to it.
But in practice that says:
qemu-system-or1k: -device virtio-blk-device,drive=sd0: Device needs media,
but drive is empty
Putting the -hda before the -device doesn't help. (And even if it did, the
result would barf if run _without_ -hda, which should also work.)
Having -hda by itself is accepted by qemu, but I don't know what bus/driver
gets added as a result (or1k kernel does not find it).
I am having a hard time understanding the use case.
I have a script (above) that creates a test.sqf squashfs image and
attaches it to the emulator's first hard drive. My init script tries to
mount /dev/?da /mnt and then if /mnt/init exists it runs that instead of
launching an interactive shell prompt.
The wildcard works for /dev/hda, /dev/sda, and /dev/vda, so no matter
which type of block device this architecture is using, the codepath to
invoke it and to use it is generic as long as qemu can populate the bus
and the associated kernel driver can find the device. This way I can
test many different architectures with the same code.
Here, maybe this will help:
$ for i in root/*/run-qemu.sh
> do echo -n "$i:"
> KARGS='HANDOFF="find /dev -name ?da"' setsid -d timeout -i 10
/bin/bash $i -hda README 2>/dev/null | grep ^/dev/
> done
The three hiccups above are sh2eb (which is building for a physical
board so can't run that kernel under qemu), microblaze (which I
mentioned hasn't got a working block device at all), and or1k. All the
other architectures accept the same:
run-qemu -hda filename
And the hardware details aren't the caller's problem. The loop calling
each board invocation script knows nothing about the board, and doesn't
have to. This means many different architectures can be regression
tested in a generic fashion using a human-friendly UI option.
(The "setsid -d" is needed because otherwise if you redirect or pipe
stdout qemu-system hangs before launching the kernel. Longstanding bug
of many years, my notes say the hang is because qemu casts SIGTTOU on
itself and winds up as a frog,
https://landley.net/notes-2017.html#16-06-2017 and I thought I'd poked
qemu-devel about it at the time...)
As you know I use the following to wire in the buildroot image which I turned
into a qcow2 disk using my tool:
-device virtio-blk-device,drive=d0 -drive file=${DISK},id=d0,format=qcow2
But I think you want to use:
-device virtio-blk-device,drive=sd0 -hda XYZ
Yes. I want to just use -hda XYZ which for most targets "just works"
already because the board knows where to put -hda. Unfortunately, when I
pass -hda to qemu-system-or1k it accepts it but I can't find the
resulting block device. (I don't know what driver I'd need to install to
talk to wherever -hda went on or1k. I've tried tracing the code but it's
callbacks from callbacks, like reading a choose your own adventure novel.)
Your instructions showed me how to use virtio-block-device which in
theory should create a /dev/vda and thus work fine with the existing
code, so I tried to supplement the existing or1k behavior to tell it
that -hda should go to virtio. I'd be happy to change my kernel config
to add whatever driver -hda is currently attaching the block device to
instead, but either way I had to try to figure out how the data
structures were initialized to, and softmmu/vl.c has:
case QEMU_OPTION_hda:
case QEMU_OPTION_hdb:
case QEMU_OPTION_hdc:
case QEMU_OPTION_hdd:
drive_add(IF_DEFAULT, popt->index - QEMU_OPTION_hda,
optarg, HD_OPTS);
Which is in blockdev.c doing:
QemuOpts *drive_add(BlockInterfaceType type, int index, const char
*file, const char *optstr)
QemuOpts *opts = qemu_opts_parse_noisily(qemu_find_opts("drive"),
optstr, false);
if (type != IF_DEFAULT) {
qemu_opt_set(opts, "if", if_name[type], &error_abort);
And figuring out where THAT's initialized (or interrogating it at
runtime) got me as far as:
grep -r '"device"' qapi/block-core.json
And I think I'd need to be able to use the "monitor" mode which isn't
really compatible with my normal "serial console on stdin/stdout" use
cases so I've never quite picked up the knack...
At that point I asked on the list, before sticking 8 zillion printf()s
into qemu to try to figure out what it's doing.
(The OTHER hiccup is I'd like to be able to NOT use -hda and not have
qemu abort because -device isn't consumed. I don't mind a warning, it's
not like qemu-system isn't ridiculously chatty already, but refusing to
start is a blocker. The guts of the scripts currently look like:
$ cat root/mips/run-qemu.sh
DIR="$(dirname $0)"; qemu-system-mips -M malta -m 256 "$@" -nographic
-no-reboot -kernel "$DIR"/linux-kernel -initrd "$DIR"/initramfs.cpio.gz
-append "HOST=mips console=ttyS0 $KARGS"
echo -e '\e[?7h'
So adding a couple -device potato=aardvark,micromanagement=extreme isn't
a big change, but trying to PARSE the command line arguments and rewrite
them is brittle and icky. (My old linux from scratch build used -hda for
a build control image and -hdb for writeable scratch space. There was
even the occasional -hdc...)
The $DIR shenanigans are so "subdir/run-qemu.sh -hda file" can find
"file" out of the current directory but find the initramfs and kernel
image out of the subdir.
The echo -e is because more than one qemu bios bootup spew (which you
CANNOT SUPPRESS, I've tried) disables wordwrap in the terminal and
leaves it like that on exit, and then bash's command line
editing/history goes nuts until you type "reset". man 4 console_codes
search for DECAWM.
I have not used -hda before, do you have it working with other targets?
Almost all of them, yes.
In a previous life, I used this same trick to do automated native builds
of Linux From Scratch 6.x under the emulator. I even had the emulated
build configured to call out through the virtual network to distcc
running on loopback on the host (which let me do an SMP build at about
make -j3 from a single threaded host).
Back when I maintained busybox I taught it to build Linux From Scratch,
which allowed distros like Alpine Linux to rebase on it, and that was my
project doing that:
This mkroot stuff is my successor project
(https://landley.net/aboriginal/news.html), which I hope to get natively
building Linux From Scratch under qemu using a toybox host someday, as
part of my ongoing plan to turn android into a native self-hosting OS:
Bit older and slower than I used to be. That much caffeine just gives me
a migraine these days.
According to the qemu docs in qemu-options.hx. I see:
Use file as hard disk 0, 1, 2 or 3 image on the default bus of the
emulated machine (this is for example the IDE bus on most x86 machines,
but it can also be SCSI, virtio or something else on other target
architectures). See also the :ref:`disk images` chapter in the System
Emulation Users Guide.
I think, since we don't have a "default" bus in openrisc this doesn't work so we
need to specify the -drive explictly.
Exactly. Patching qemu to have virto be the default bus would also be
great, you'll notice half the above targets already have -hda slot into
/dev/vda. There used to be several actual /dev/hda in there too but Greg
KH hates IDE the same way he hates my Pixel 3's USB tethering driver, so
now those pretend to be scsi.
I checked the x86 machine code and confirm it seems to work like this. There is
code in the system setup to look for hd* drives and wire them into IDE. There
is no such code in openrisc.
Which is why I was trying to redirect it. I dunno how to add the
relevant code to the system setup, and it wouldn't work with the
existing release anyway..
If "or1k can't work with -hda" I can document it as broken this release,
but ALMOST all my targets are passing the basic smoketest! I'm so close!
$ mkroot/testroot.sh
PASS=aarch64 armv4l armv5l armv7l i486 i686 m68k mips64 mipsel mips
powerpc64le powerpc64 powerpc riscv32 riscv64 s390x sh4 x86_64
NOPASS=microblaze or1k sh4eb
No kernel: armv7m sh2eb
Microblaze has no /dev/?da (as in there's no device I could attach it to
even with the long option, I'd have to use NBD), sh4eb has -hda is
working but it's having some endianness hiccup with the network card
(works in sh4 but not sh4eb, I'm trying to track it down, I thought this
worked at one point), and the two "No kernel" ones legitimately have no
qemu kernel config because sh2eb is producing a kernel for a physical
board qemu doesn't emulate (j-core turtle, I should signal that somehow
so it doesn't show up as an error, adding a qemu-system-jcore target
would be great but I just did
so I can test its nommu fdpic userspace under sh4eb instead. Not perfect
but for basic smoketests...)
And of course armv7m is a whole SAGA...
https://landley.net/notes-2023.html#23-02-2023 and
https://www.spinics.net/lists/linux-sh/msg64491.html and... ahem.
Tangent. Haven't got that one working yet. In theory the toolchain
FINALLY has fdpic support, musl I'm not sure about (the toolchain I'm
building is static pie), and I couldn't find a good kernel config that
lined up with a qemu -M last I checked. (I've looked around for
examples, but there's a bit of a gap between buildroot's
configs/stm32f429_disco_xip_defconfig and configs/qemu_arm_ebbr_defconfig).