From: dan tan <>

*** BLURB HERE ***
Version 3 summary:
    RWMR (Region Weighted Mode Register) -
        - change the register to generic read/write from nop/write

Version 2 summary:
        - spec reference:
        - corrected commit message format
        - combine DAWR(0/1) handling into a single function
        - add DAWR1 & DAWRX1 to init_proc_POWER10() only.

    RWMR (Region Weighted Mode Register) -
        - corrected the previous definition as ITV1
        - spec reference:
        - it appears that part of the previous upstream request SPRs
          already in the current master. Therefore, removed those
          from this request.

dan tan (2):
  ppc/pnv: Add new PowerPC Special Purpose Registers (DAWR1,DAWRX1)
  ppc/pnv: Add new PowerPC Special Purpose Registers (RWMR)

 include/hw/ppc/spapr.h   |  2 +-
 target/ppc/cpu.h         |  8 +++--
 target/ppc/helper.h      |  4 +--
 target/ppc/spr_common.h  |  2 ++
 hw/ppc/spapr_hcall.c     | 24 ++++++++------
 target/ppc/cpu.c         | 69 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 target/ppc/cpu_init.c    | 20 ++++++++++++
 target/ppc/excp_helper.c | 11 ++++++-
 target/ppc/machine.c     |  5 ++-
 target/ppc/misc_helper.c |  8 ++---
 target/ppc/translate.c   | 21 ++++++++++--
 11 files changed, 127 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)


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