On 03/09/2012 06:40 AM, Cleber Rosa wrote:
On 03/09/2012 09:04 AM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
On 03/09/2012 05:20 AM, Cleber Rosa wrote:
You're comparing developer-level tests with the existent QA-level
tests (much more complex).

Let's be specific then. Look at device-add.sh in qemu-test. It's 71LOC.
pci_hotplug.py in autotest is 204LOC.

pci_hotplug.py does much more than device-add.sh:

* tests both pci_add and device_add commands
* checks the monitor syntax for adding a new drive, that is, it works on HEAD
and on other versions (such as the ones in some RHEL releases);
* tests both nic and block hotplug
* for block, tests with both virtio and scsi
* also does device removal, both for pci_add and device_add syntaxes

Ok, but clearly, there's no magic in autotest that makes this sufficiently
easier. It's just a matter of:

cmd=`named_choose command device_add pci_add`

if test $cmd = "device_add"; then
qmp device_add --driver=virtio-blk-pci --drive=hd0
hmp pci_add auto virtio-blk-pci,drive=hd0

It's not there today because pci_add is deprecated. There assertion was that
autotest makes it easier to write tests. How does it make it easier to write

Sure. I agree that it's fair from QEMU's PoV alone to forget about legacy things
such as pci_add.

On this particular example, the one thing that strikes me the most is that
(kvm-)autotest allows either a very static test run (as device_add.sh does), or
a very configurable test run (as pci_hotplug.py does and QE needs).

With named_choose and profiles, you can actually configure it very specifically. Most of the tests are not using named_choose right now, but it's easy enough to change that.


Anthony Liguori

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