On 03/08/2012 08:21 PM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
On 03/08/2012 04:24 PM, Ademar Reis wrote:
On Thu, Mar 08, 2012 at 03:24:15PM -0600, Anthony Liguori wrote:
On 03/08/2012 03:02 PM, Ademar Reis wrote:
On Thu, Mar 08, 2012 at 01:16:58PM -0600, Anthony Liguori wrote:
On 03/08/2012 11:59 AM, Ademar Reis wrote:


I expect QEMU to grow tests for anything that involves launching
QEMU directly.  Where I would not see QEMU growing tests for is
things like launching QEMU through libvirt.

Agree. For QEMU developers, libvirt should not be on the way, the
interaction should be minimal or non-existent.

That's an area which will require some work in libautotest,
because due to previous QE requirements, it now invokes libvirt
methods instead of QEMU directly for a lot of stuff. But it can
be done and is part of the plan.

If you're talking about libautotest as an abstraction layer for
launching QEMU, I don't think that's something we should use in
upstream QEMU.  Abstraction layers are okay when the things you are
abstracting are well defined and relatively static.  We're talking
about testing the tip of a development tree though and coordinating
changes with an abstraction layer would be counter productive.

Valid point. If I'm a qemu developer and I want to make huge
changes, ideally I shouldn't have to submit patches to
libautotest because the tests in qemu.org will break.

I don't know how likely such scenario is (Lucas is maitaining
kvm-autotest for years now and the integration hardly breaks)
But we do have a conflict of interests, so lets evaluate a
few options:

Because kvm-autotest doesn't have thousands of tests and isn't part
of 200+ developers fast paths :-)

My main interests are:
     - remove barriers for developers to write tests

This is my number one priority.

     - share the testing effort between multiple projects (qemu,
       libvirt, ovirt, spice, QE, etc...)

This is my number 99 priority.

You have the right to consider the interests of qemu only, but
qemu is used by several other teams who depend on it to implement
their own tests. Some collaboration would be extremely beneficial
for everybody.

Collaboration goes both ways: you get benefits from the
interaction and code reuse with different projects and teams, but
it may require a few tradeoffs.

I think the problem here effectively boils down to "code sharing at any cost".

Let's look at it in purely practical terms. How many lines of code would be saved here and what does that code do?

If the only sharing is some infrastructure bits in libautotest, then I suspect we're talking in the low 10ks of lines at the absolute maximum (and I don't think it's even close to that in reality). Launching QEMU and connecting to QMP isn't that hard. It's in the hundreds of lines of code. What else is there that's need to write a test?

I don't think this is sufficiently compelling to add an unconditional autotest dependency to QEMU.

I think you could achieve practical code sharing by decomposing
kvm-autotest into a set of useful, independent tools.  For

Now the options:

1. We keep the invocation stuff in libautotest and when writting
a complex test in qemu.git, the test writter can choose to use it
because of the goodies there.

   - Lots of codepaths implemented both in python and as cmd-line
     utilities: less lines of code to write a test, smaller
     barrier for the developer.

I've got an existence proof that this is not true.  The qemu-test
tests are smaller than the corresponding autotest tests.

You're comparing developer-level tests with the existent QA-level
tests (much more complex).

Let's be specific then. Look at device-add.sh in qemu-test. It's 71LOC. pci_hotplug.py in autotest is 204LOC.

pci_hotplug.py does much more than device-add.sh:

   * tests both pci_add and device_add commands
* checks the monitor syntax for adding a new drive, that is, it works on HEAD and on other versions (such as the ones in some RHEL releases);
   * tests both nic and block hotplug
   * for block, tests with both virtio and scsi
   * also does device removal, both for pci_add and device_add syntaxes

What's the "much more complex" part of pci_hotplug.py that is enabled by having the autotest framework?

We're talking about an approach where you'll need just a few
lines of code to instantiate a VM and interact with it.

This isn't that hard of a problem. It just takes a few lines to launch QEMU in qemu-test too.

   - Mature code in the test library.
   - Goodies such as video-recording and system info collection
     in a standard way for different projects.

Why does video-recording have to be part of libautotest?  Why can't
you just have a simply utility that connects to a VNC session and
records it?  Presumably that's all it's doing here.

Likewise, there are dozens of "system info collection" such as
sosreport..  why fold this all into libautotest?

For standardization: think outside of the qemu community. A lot
of our developers contribute code to multiple projects. It gets
easier if there's a standard way to achieve the same results when
writting tests for different projects.

Anyway, it's a minor issue.

Yeah, I think this is outside of the scope of the current discussion as it's sort of like trying to boil the ocean :-)

   - Code shared with other teams.
   - The same test code can run on old platforms because
     libautotest has a compatibility layer, thus enabling a
     larger grid of tests.

This is not a requirement from a QEMU perspective nor do I think it's useful.

Well, it's not a requirement, but you can't expect QE teams to
spend their time on tests that work only on HEAD. It makes no
sense from their point of view.

They're certainly testing some sort of HEAD, even if it's not qemu.git. I don't see any conflicting goals here. Write a test against upstream, backport to a downstream if necessarily.

   - QE teams will be closer to the development, sharing
     some of their testing code and maintenance burden.

The QE team could simply contribute tests to qemu.git to achieve this same goal.

They won't help you if you don't help them. Again, it doesn't
make sense for QE to work on HEAD. At least not the QE teams I'm
talking about.

And I say from my own experience: maintaining a set of thousands
of tests is far from trivial. You'll waste a lot of potential
contributions by alienating the fully-dedicated teams currently
working on QE.

And trying to maintain a thousand tests against any possible version is probably also unrealistic.

Is the expectation that all of the tests in WebKit work against any possible version of WebKit? How do they enforce this since it's all in trunk?

2. We "move" (or implement) all the libautotest stuff related to
qemu invocation and interaction into qemu.git, forbidding the
dependency of autotest in qemu.git.

Let me just be really clear here.  In order to do TDD, tests have to
be a mandatory part of the QEMU build process.  We cannot introduce
new dependencies in order to build tests.

Making autotest an unconditional dependency of qemu.git is a non-starter for me.

You have dependencies on gtest and other libraries. it's not that

We have a dependency on glib, which gtest happens to be a part of. It was a big deal introducing that dependency and gtest was not the only (or primary) reason to introduce that dependency.

Plus it's not unconditional: the test runner will report tests
SKIPPED if a dependency is not present.

But then the tests aren't run so if most developers didn't have it installed, and most tests were written with it, most developers wouldn't be running most tests which defeats the purpose, no?

It's actually the oposite: you'll have to forbid developers from
submiting tests that use libautotest if you don't want the

I think part of the problem here is the abstract nature of this discussion. What is libautotest actually supposed to do?

This would be an easier discussion if we were talking about patches instead of proposals.

   - QE will be alienated from the qemu test effort. There will be
     no integration between the QE efforts and the maintenance of
     the qemu developer-level tests.

I think we're a pretty friendly and open community :-)  There is no
reason that QE should be "alienated" unless folks are choosing not
to participate upstream.

For the exact same reasons you as a developer don't want to
implement tests inside autotest, QE won't want to implement tests
for qemu.git. It's out of their comfort zone, just put yourself
on their shoes.

This is a really, really poor argument and I hope I don't need to go into details of why. If the primary reason for libautotest is so the people writing tests for QEMU can avoid actually working with the developers of QEMU... we've got a problem.

   - You don't get the goodies from autotest (standardized system
     info collection, video recording, grid support, etc).
   - The new tests will work only on the master branch.

This last one is a legitimate point that I have considered myself.
But I think the value of having tests in HEAD outweigh the cost

Thinking about qemu only, agree.

3. A mix of (1) and (2): we "move" everything under qemu.git, but
keep the compatibility layer and provide a "libqemutest" for

Anybody writting a test that interacts with qemu will use this
library: qemu, libvirt, spice, ovirt, QE tests, etc.

I really see this all as over architecting to be honest.

Can someone explain in clear terms (without appealing to maturity,
flexibility, or any other qualitative aspect) why it takes anything
more than a few dozen shell functions to write all of the tests that
are in kvm-autotest test today?

This is close to being offensive IMO, so I won't answer. :-)

I honestly don't mean it to be so I apologize if it comes off that way. But I dislike arguing in such abstract terms. What are the features that you think libautotest is needed for?

You launch qemu (by just using a command), and you interact with the
monitor via QMP and HMP.  Why do you ever need anything more than

Well, again, I'll agree to disagree.

Why does libautotest even need to exist?

You're looking at things from the sole point of view of a qemu
developer. If you don't want to see things from a different
perspective and accept any kind of tradeoffs for better
collaboration with other teams, then unfortunately there's not
much we can do. It's a pity, because collaboration goes both

I need something more concrete then this. What is it about libautotest that would allow collaboration?

We're trying very hard to satisfy your requirements and
interests. Don't you see any way you can help us satisfy

I'm having a hard time understanding what your requirements are other than that we should write our tests using libautotest (which has not really been explained other than being levied as a requirement).


Anthony Liguori

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