
I can't reproduce the problem with attached test program. Also the generated ops look just fine:

0x00010074:  sethi  %hi(0x20000), %g3
0x00010078:  or  %g3, 0xa0, %g3 ! 0x200a0
0x0001007c:  mov  -1, %g1
0x00010080:  mov  -1, %g2
0x00010084:  tst  %g0
0x00010088:  bne  0x10094
0x0001008c:  std  %g1, [ %g3 ]

0x0000: movl_T0_im 0x20000
0x0001: movl_g3_T0
0x0002: movl_T0_g3
0x0003: movl_T1_sim 0xa0
0x0004: or_T1_T0
0x0005: movl_g3_T0
0x0006: movl_T1_sim 0xffffffff
0x0007: movl_g1_T1
0x0008: movl_T1_sim 0xffffffff
0x0009: movl_g2_T1
0x000a: movl_T0_im 0x0
0x000b: movl_T1_im 0x0
0x000c: or_T1_T0
0x000d: logic_T0_cc
Set T2:
0x000e: eval_bne
First part of std:
0x000f: movl_T0_g3
0x0010: movl_T1_g1
flush_T2 here:
0x0011: jz_T2_label 0x0
0x0012: movl_npc_im 0x10094
0x0013: jmp_label 0x1
0x0014: movl_npc_im 0x10090
Now reuse T2, rest of std:
0x0015: movl_T2_g2
0x0016: std_raw
0x0017: next_insn
0x0018: movl_T0_0
0x0019: exit_tb
0x001a: end

Branch not taken (OK)
0x00010090:  nop
0x00010094:  mov  1, %g1        ! 0x1
0x00010098:  ta  0x10

0x0000: movl_T1_sim 0x1
0x0001: movl_g1_T1
0x0002: movl_T0_im 0x0
0x0003: movl_T1_sim 0x10
0x0004: add_T1_T0
0x0005: jmp_im 0x10098
0x0006: movl_npc_im 0x1009c
0x0007: trap_T0
0x0008: next_insn
0x0009: movl_T0_0
0x000a: exit_tb
0x000b: end

Can you describe how to reproduce the bug?

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Attachment: br_test.S
Description: Binary data

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