My name is Dor and I'm one of the contributors for the KVM.

> Ricardo Almeida wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > Just saw this on slashdot
> > (http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/12/12/0135240). From
> > news:
> >
> > "In a fashion comparable to that of Xen a modified QEMU is used for
> > the supportive emulation of typical PC components of the virtual
> > machines"
> >
> > So, when it will run with a non-modified QEMU? ;)

We'd like to see this happened as soon as possible. The problem is
prioritizing and the important fact that the KVM's interface with the
user/Qemu is not yet finalized and changes frequently.
It can be merged or parallel to the Kqemu api, although it won't be

> >
> > I've looked at KVM homepage (http://kvm.sourceforge.net/) and it's a
> > kernel module, so I think this can be some kind of replacement for
> > KQEmu, no?
> > Will QEmu/KQEmu support this?
> Isn't KVM more like a kqemu which uses VT/Pacifica so that it runs
> processes "a bit more native"? That's how I understood it...
The differences between the 2 are the following:
- KVM runs the code on the native CPU using VT/Pacifica. This is true
both for user mode code and kernel mode code of the guest.
- KVM cannot run over platform without VT/Pacfica support while Kqemu
- The Kqemu does not use VT/Pacifica abilities. It runs the user mode
guest code natively while the kernel mode guest code is emulated within
the kernel.

> Though I'm wondering why this project apparently didn't announce

Sorry for that, some of the Qemu developers did know about the KVM &
Qemu interop. Since the integration between the two didn't start yet at
least it is not that late :)

> on this list, at least for general information. Or, this can also be
> seen as a hint that Qemu is _so_ well-structured and well-documented
> that people are able to use its code without any questions ;-)

> >
> > Thanks for the great work,
> > Ricardo Almeida
> >
> >
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> Regards,
> Oliver Gerlich
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