On Thu, 23 Nov 2006, Don Kitchen wrote:

> > > - I noticed that images refer to their base image using an absolute path. 
> > > Is
> > > there a way to change an image's base image reference? (for example when 
> > > the
> > > base image is renamed / moved to a different directory)
> > qemu-img convert [-c] <changes-file> -O qcow <new-base-file>
> > should do what you want.
> I believe that forces a delta file to merge in with its base. Definately not 
> the same as relocation.

The original question I answered:

David Roberts wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a couple of questions about creating images linked to base images:
> - `qemu-img commit` commits changes directly to the base image. Is there a
> way to create a new merged image with the changes so as not to change the
> original?

...and my qemu-img convert command above will do exactly that.

Your misquoting has implied the command I gave would do something else, which 
it won't.

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   Eridani Star System

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