You can try:

$: mkfifo command
$: qemu -serial pipe:command debian

Hope it helps

Le Lundi 23 Octobre 2006 13:41, TheMoon Seeker a écrit :
> Hello,
> I would like to manage VM from the host by using the -serial pipe. I try
> this but that doesn't work:
> $: mknode command
> $: qemu -serial pipe:command debian
> Then I try to read the message from the command pipe :
> $: cat command
> Nothing append..
> I try to send command to the vm
> $: echo "root" > command
> Nothin append..
> WHAT'S WRONG? Is there another way to manage the vm's?
> And how can I manage the moniter to suspend stop the emulation? Is there a
> similar solution'
> Thank you!
> Francis!

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