Paul Brook wrote:
Do you know why 2.6.16 would be required?  (I'll see if I can't
find/build a 2.6.16 system on which to try it today.)
Because arm-linux didn't get EABI support until 2.6.16 (though our toolchains 
may accept 2.6.14). glibc has santity checks stop applications even trying to 
run on kernels that are too old.

As I mentioned qemu lie about the kernel version. See -r 
and --enable-uname-release.
I'm confused.  My host kernel, (hosted on an x86 ubuntu box), is:


And my understanding is that there is no kernel when running qemu-user because qemu is emulating the kernel calls.

What am I missing?  Or where does the kernel version come into play?

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