Host Linux is FC3 2.6.9-1.677 kernel.

# qemu-img create -f vmdk /hdb3/usr/tmp/qlinux 60G
Formating '/hdb3/usr/tmp/qlinux', fmt=vmdk, size=62914560 kB
# qemu -cdrom /usr/src/kernel/linux-fc6-x86_64/FC-6-Test3-x86_64-DVD.iso -boot d -hda /hdb3/usr/tmp/qlinux
The window pops up, and it's title says:
QEMU: [Stopped]
The text in the window says:
QEMU 0.8.2 monitor - type 'help' for mor information

But when I click on the window and type help, nothing happens.
No response at all. Is my host kernel the cause (i.e. too old?)

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