What about something like -hdX test.iso,hw=cdrom with default hw being disk?

And why not a shorted and more standard solution?

-ideN [hd:|cd:]filename


-ide0 /tmp/myimage.dsk
Set primary master as harddisk (hd: is the default)

-ide1 hd:/tmp/myimage.dsk
Set primary slave as harddisk (hd: is not necessary in this case, as
it's the default).

-ide3 cd:/dev/cdrom
Set secondary slave as cdrom using device /dev/cdrom

-ide0 cd:/tmp/myimage.iso
Set primary master as cdrom using an ISO image file.

Of course, the previous parameters (hda, hdb, hdc, hdd and cdrom)
should be also available for compatibility reasons.

And you could also add -fd0 (for -fda) and -fd1(for -fdb) for
consistency with the rest of parameters.

Just my two cents.

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